Question to the Department for Transport:
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what assessment she has made of the potential merits of introducing regulations on the replacement of windscreens on cars and other road vehicles equipped with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems.
All drivers are responsible for keeping their vehicles in a roadworthy condition at all times. The annual MOT test for cars over 3 years old inspects safety-critical components. Servicing is not directly regulated, and vehicle owners have the freedom to decide how their vehicle’s roadworthiness is maintained. However, it is recommended that, if your windscreen is replaced and your vehicle has Advanced Driver Assistance Sytems (ADAS), you use a trained expert who can ensure that those systems are correctly calibrated afterwards.
Department for Transport officials have been considering how Advanced Driver Assistance Systems could be tested at the MOT, including through calibration, and officials have consulted with experts to better understand what technology is available and how such a test could work. This information gathering is ongoing and, once proposals are ready, ministers will consider the practicality and effectiveness of any measures before a decision is made.