Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority: Remote Working

(asked on 21st January 2025) - View Source


To ask the hon. Member for Warrington North, representing the Speaker's Committee for the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, what proportion of employee work-time was spent working from (a) home and (b) an IPSA office location in 2023-24.

Answered by
Charlotte Nichols Portrait
Charlotte Nichols
This question was answered on 23rd January 2025

IPSA does not record data on the proportion of employee work-time spent working from home versus the office. IPSA changed its policy in 2020 to recruit nationwide to ensure its employees have a local understanding of the constituencies MPs serve. It operates a flexible hybrid working policy where staff will work from home, IPSA's office, or the House, attending engagements that need a physical presence.

We measure performance based on outcomes and delivery rather than presence in the office. IPSA's performance has improved significantly since 2020, as recognised by SCIPSA.

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