Legal Aid Scheme: Domestic Abuse

(asked on 18th April 2019) - View Source

Question to the Ministry of Justice:

To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, if he will bring forward legislative proposals for the provision of legal aid for expatriates that have returned to the UK with their children after fleeing domestic abuse from their partners while abroad.

Answered by
Lucy Frazer Portrait
Lucy Frazer
This question was answered on 30th April 2019

The Government is absolutely clear that victims of domestic abuse must have access to the help that they need, including access to legal aid.

Legal aid remains available for some private family proceedings where there is evidence of domestic abuse. To qualify for legal aid in a private family matter, applicants must provide evidence that they are a victim of, or at risk of being a victim of domestic violence or child abuse as well as meet the means and merits criteria.

The availability of legal aid is dependent on the type of legal proceedings and expatriates are not excluded.

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