Royal Household: Finance

(asked on 14th January 2025) - View Source

Question to the HM Treasury:

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, if she will have discussions with the Royal Household on (a) transparency and (b) accountability of money provided from the public purse.

Answered by
James Murray Portrait
James Murray
Exchequer Secretary (HM Treasury)
This question was answered on 22nd January 2025

Since 2012, the Monarch has received the Sovereign Grant to fund their official duties as Head of State and maintain the Occupied Royal Palaces. No member of the Royal family receives a private income from the Sovereign Grant or any other public funds.

The rules governing the Sovereign Grant have been set by Parliament in the Sovereign Grant Act 2011. The Act provides for oversight and accountability arrangements which subject the funding for the Monarch’s official duties to the same audit scrutiny as other government expenditure. The Sovereign Grant accounts are audited by the National Audit Office and laid before Parliament every year.

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