Temporary Accommodation: Children

(asked on 12th December 2024) - View Source

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, if she will make an assessment of the adequacy of the support available to families living with children in temporary accommodation.

Answered by
Rushanara Ali Portrait
Rushanara Ali
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
This question was answered on 19th December 2024

Homelessness levels are far too high. This government recognises the devastating impact this can have on those affected, especially children.

We must address this and deliver long term solutions. The Government is looking at these issues carefully and will develop a new cross government strategy, working with mayors and councils across the country to get us back on track to ending homelessness once and for all. This includes a dedicated Inter-Ministerial Group, chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister, bringing together ministers from across government.

All temporary accommodation must be safe and suitable in relation to the applicant and to all members of their household who normally reside with them, or who might reasonably be expected to reside with them. Chapter 17 of the homelessness code of guidance sets out the factors to be taken into account, which includes consideration for households with particular medical and/or physical needs.https://www.gov.uk/guidance/homelessness-code-of-guidance-for-local-authorities/chapter-17-suitability-of-accommodation.

Housing authorities are required to assess whether accommodation is suitable for each household individually, and case records should demonstrate that they have taken the statutory requirements into account. Housing authorities have a continuing obligation to keep the suitability of accommodation under review, and to respond to any relevant change in circumstances which may affect suitability. Applicants may ask for a review on request of the housing authority’s decision that the accommodation offered to them is suitable.

A full breakdown of length of stay in temporary accommodation can be found in figure 15 of the annual statistics release for statutory homelessness assessments and activities in England, below:

Local authorities are required to report homelessness data each quarter, including the numbers of children in temporary accommodation. The most recent figures for Q2 2024 can be accessed below using tab TA1:

Reticulating Splines