Carers: Conditions of Employment

(asked on 11th December 2024) - View Source


To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, if she will bring forward legislative proposals to make caring a protected characteristic in employment law.

Answered by
Anneliese Dodds Portrait
Anneliese Dodds
Minister of State (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)
This question was answered on 19th December 2024

Carers are likely to be already protected from less favourable treatment under the Equality Act 2010, in relation to the protected characteristics of age and disability under the “discrimination by association” provisions. These provisions require employers to treat employees with caring responsibilities fairly and to not directly discriminate against them because they are looking after a young, old or disabled relative. It is ultimately for courts and tribunals to determine the protection applicable in a particular case. There are currently no plans to make caring a specific protected characteristic.

Helping carers is an important part of our plans to modernise the world of work, ensuring they can enjoy a good job and contribute their skills alongside their valuable role as carers. The government is giving carers greater flexibility to work and increase their financial security by raising the Carer’s Allowance Weekly Earnings Limit by £45 per week. This will be the largest increase to the earnings limit since Carer’s Allowance was introduced in 1976.

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