
(asked on 12th July 2023) - View Source

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if he will take steps to help ensure that the requirements of design standard CD195, Designing for cycle traffic, are applied in all National Highways regions.

Answered by
Richard Holden Portrait
Richard Holden
Opposition Whip (Commons)
This question was answered on 19th July 2023

National Highways is committed to support all road users including walkers, cyclists and horse-riders. Its research and feedback, combined with insight from others such as Transport Focus, helps NH to understand how its services and roads may need to evolve to meet the needs of customers.

CD 195 Designing for Cycle Traffic is one of a suite of documents that National Highways has to ensure the most appropriate provision is provided for walkers, cyclists and horse riders. National Highways are working with Active Travel England to ensure the design standards referenced are applied wherever practical, supporting the delivery of active travel provision across the network.

All National Highways schemes are required to follow the GG142 Walking, Cycling and Horse-Riding Assessment and Review Process. This process enables designers to determine the most appropriate and proportionate type of facility for their scheme. This could be in the form of dedicated cycle provision designed to CD 195 Designing for Cycle Traffic, or it could be shared use walking and cycling facilities designed to CD 143 Designing for walking, cycling and horse-riding. As much of National Highways’ network is rural and located away from residential and industrial areas, providing shared use walking and cycling provision may often be a more proportionate approach for the anticipated levels of usage.

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