Public Transport

(asked on 11th May 2023) - View Source

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what information his Deportment holds on passenger numbers (a) before the imposition of covid-19 restrictions in March 2020 and (b) after the covid-19 pandemic for (i) national rail services, (ii) buses (A) in England outside of London, (B) in London and (C) in Wales and (iii) London Underground services.

Answered by
Richard Holden Portrait
Richard Holden
This question was answered on 18th May 2023

The department holds daily usage figures as a percentage of the pre-covid baseline for rail, non-London bus, and TfL London bus and London tube from the start of March 2020 to date. The data covers Great Britain. This information is publicly available (Daily domestic transport use by mode).

Statistics are also publicly available which provide a regional breakdown including data for areas A, B and C for bus (annual bus statistics) and rail passenger numbers (Regional rail usage | ORR Data Portal).

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