Employment Schemes: Disability

(asked on 15th March 2023) - View Source

Question to the HM Treasury:

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, if he will publish a breakdown of the specific spending on the plan to increase the availability of mental health and musculoskeletal resources and expand the Individual Placement and Support scheme.

Answered by
John Glen Portrait
John Glen
This question was answered on 20th March 2023

The breakdown of spending on mental health and musculoskeletal resources, and employment advisors in health settings, including expansion of Individual Placement and Support, announced at Spring Budget 2023 is set out in the Budget document which is available here: Spring Budget 2023 (publishing.service.gov.uk) (lines 12 and 13, Table 4.1 on page 76). The figures in the table have been adjusted to include Barnett consequentials.

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