Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:
To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, what assessment her Department has made of the potential impact of the Fraud, Error and Debt Bill on the (a) mental health and (b) wellbeing of (i) benefit claimants with (A) disabilities and (B) long-term illnesses and (ii) other benefit claimants.
Safeguarding vulnerable claimants is always a priority. All the powers included in the Fraud, Error and Debt Bill will include strong safeguards to ensure they are only used appropriately and proportionately – including new independent oversight and reporting mechanisms. The Bill will be clearly defined in its scope and there will be clear limitations for the use of all the powers we are introducing. DWP staff will receive training on the use of any new powers. We will rely on Codes of Practice where they already exist and, where they do not, we will consult on and produce new Codes of Practice to provide further reassurance on the safe use of the powers.