Armed Forces: Dental Services

(asked on 14th March 2023) - View Source

Question to the Ministry of Defence:

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many military personnel are waiting for dental treatment as of 14 March 2023.

Answered by
Andrew Murrison Portrait
Andrew Murrison
This question was answered on 17th March 2023

As at 1 March 2023 (latest data available) 22,138 UK Armed Forces personnel were categorised as NATO Category 2 or 3; meaning that they require either preventative or interventive treatment to achieve optimal dental fitness.

NATO Category 2 patients are deployable as they only require minor interventive treatment or treatment aimed at preventing disease. NATO Category 3 patients require treatment for conditions which are likely to result in issues within a year if left untreated. These are the priority for treatment.

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