Recovery Strategy Unit

(asked on 26th November 2024) - View Source

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, what the objectives are for the Recovery Strategy Unit; and how many live cases is it processing.

Answered by
Alex Norris Portrait
Alex Norris
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)
This question was answered on 4th December 2024

In April 2022, the Building Safety Act was passed, providing a range of new powers to hold to account those responsible for unsafe buildings. The Recovery Strategy Unit uses those new powers to:

a) expose and pursue the most egregious actors, to ensure that organisations and individuals are held to account for their building safety failings;

b) promote wider behaviour change across the sector; and

c) test legislation in practice so learning can be fed back into the process.

We have successfully obtained 10 Remediation Orders against two freeholders, Grey GR Ltd and Wallace Estates Ltd, ensuring that they remediate their homes within committed timescales. The department is now pursuing legal action to secure Remediation Contribution Orders for 12 buildings from Yianis Group, Urban Splash, and Hollybrook, aiming to recover approximately £72 million, which would otherwise fall on taxpayers or leaseholders.

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