Children: Day Care

(asked on 22nd November 2017) - View Source

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what progress has been made on rolling out 30 hours of free childcare in Hertsmere.

Answered by
Robert Goodwill Portrait
Robert Goodwill
This question was answered on 30th November 2017

On 1 September, 30 hours free childcare was rolled out nationally. As of 31 August, 216,384 eligibility codes had been issued for the autumn term and, as of 6 November, 93% of these eligibility codes had been validated via the Eligibility Checking System. This information is referred to in the following management information release:

On 19 December, the department will publish a statistical release ’30 hours free childcare: Autumn term 2017’ which will include a council breakdown of codes issued and validated.

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