Increase funding for Early years providers.

Increase funding for early years settings. We believe early childcare is fundamental to all children and giving them the best start. Save our nurseries and Preschools. We believe early years education is crucial to set the foundations.

2,534 Signatures

Friday 6th December 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Friday 6th June 2025
Estimated Final Signatures: 4,096

Reticulating Splines

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1. Exempt all social care providers from the employer NIC increase - 40,315 signatures
2. Increase funding for people with Parkinson’s and implement the "Parky Charter" - 15,843 signatures
3. Fund a scheme for 20 Years’ service Medals for PCSOs. - 2,827 signatures
4. Provide funding to support Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening for Disabled Women - 2,249 signatures
5. Legislate for a council tax discount for all pensioners - 2,273 signatures

The Government wants the early years sector to support Working Parents. How can we when the sector is under pressure from wages, NI costs to the employer and business rates?
We believe settings will rely on Apprentices to staff them and have a skeleton core staff, which could lead to quality being compromised. Many settings, in our view, will be forced to put quantity over quality by maximising floor space with children.

Petition Signatures over time

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Reticulating Splines