Make it illegal to sell, buy and use fireworks other than silent ones

Change the law so that we can no longer buy non-silent fireworks, sell them or use them.

831 Signatures

Tuesday 19th November 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Monday 19th May 2025
Estimated Final Signatures: 1,078

Reticulating Splines

You may be interested in these active petitions

1. Limit the sale and use of Fireworks to licence holders only - 84,356 signatures
2. Make the sale of catapults/ammunition and carrying catapults in public illegal. - 3,057 signatures
3. Review how to turn the MHRA into a fully transparent, patient first regulator - 2,464 signatures
4. End the Badger cull and adopt other approaches to bovine TB control - 41,628 signatures
5. Increase Carer's Allowance to equal minimum wage - 3,384 signatures

Animals can be terrified of loud fireworks, there have been reports of some dying from heart attacks. Veterans with PTSD can suffer so much this time of year as it can trigger them. They do not deserve this and we should do everything that we can to support them and protect them from this trauma.

Wildlife are harmed because of the loud bangs and litter.

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Reticulating Splines