Increase Corporation Tax and Income Tax rates to better fund public services

I want the Government to increase the income tax rates (basic, higher and additional) and to increase the corporation tax small profits rate and the main rate in order to raise additional tax revenue to be used to better support and enhance public services.

14 Signatures

Friday 26th April 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Saturday 26th October 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 37

Reticulating Splines

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I believe that many politicians appear to want to portray tax rises as "evil incarnate" rather than a useful economic tool. I think that any reasonable person in charge of an economy should realise that the proper use of tax rises is important to support society's basic needs. No matter how much restructuring of public services is carried out the truth will out - you can't get something for nothing.

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Reticulating Splines