Create rights to authorised school absence for family events

I think the Government should introduce authorised school absences for important family events for up to 10 working days a year. I think that current policy places burden on families to choose between a child's school attendance and crucial family events.

194 Signatures

Thursday 14th March 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Saturday 14th September 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 283

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I 100% endorse regular school attendance. However, I think family events are significant in playing a pivotal role in children's emotional, social and cultural development. I think they promote overall wellbeing and the cohesion of families, foster strong bonds and ultimately contribute to the welfare of societies. I think a balanced approach is needed to accommodate the cultural and familial diversity within our communities, reduce the stress of parents and increase the welfare of families.

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