Reduce the State Pension age to 63

We want the Government to reduce the State Pension age to 63, for men and women.

193 Signatures

Wednesday 17th January 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Wednesday 17th July 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 221

Reticulating Splines

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1. Offer the State Pension to all at 60, increase to equal 48hrs at the Living Wage - 57,846 signatures
2. Provide all pensioners born before April 1951 with the new State Pension - 13,221 signatures
3. Hold a Public Inquiry into state pension age changes for women - 9,249 signatures
4. For the United Kingdom to recognise the state of Palestine immediately - 12,699 signatures
5. NHS dental nurses to be entitled to an NHS pension - 2,951 signatures

We believe the State Pension age is too high, and it keeps increasing. People have worked hard all their life and they need some time to start enjoying it, whilst they still have good health to do so. But not everyone has great health or is able to work and we believe this isn't given enough consideration. If people want to work past the age of 63 then that should be their decision.

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