Require bowel care policies and specialist bowel care at all NHS hospitals

We want the Government to ensure every NHS hospital has a bowel care policy and specialist bowel care. No one should be left unable to go to the toilet, potentially for days, because the hospital doesn’t have a bowel care policy or specialist staff.

This petition closed on 30 May 2024 with 8,933 signatures

Reticulating Splines

People with a long-term neurogenic condition that affects the bowel, like spinal cord injury, may need specialised bowel care if in a healthcare setting. We are concerned that not enough NHS trusts in England have a policy on neurogenic bowel dysfunction, or ward-based staff who specialise in looking after someone with a neurogenic bowel condition.

We want the Government to ensure every trust has a policy and specialist staff in place for neurogenic bowel conditions.

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Reticulating Splines