Fund increased access to IVF for same-sex couples

NICE guidance says a same-sex couple should have six self-funded, unsuccessful attempts at IUI before they receive treatment through the NHS. This is 6 further rounds of IUI, followed by IVF. One round of self-funded IUI can cost over £1,000. IVF should be available to same-sex couples on request.

This petition closed on 28 Apr 2022 with 525 signatures

Reticulating Splines

Heterosexual couples are expected to try and conceive through sexual intercourse for 2 years before being considered for NHS-funded IVF, at no financial cost to the couple. Thus, creating inequality. We believe putting financial pressure on couples could lead to many taking unsafe, unregulated routes to conceive.

We understand that government resources are stretched however everyone, regardless of sexuality or relationship status should have an equal chance of being able to start a family.

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Reticulating Splines