Increase legal protection for lodgers (people with live-in landlords)

The laws protecting lodgers need to be updated. I suggest:

This petition closed on 20 Jul 2021 with 37 signatures

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1. Define live-in landlords as landlords who spend an average of 4 nights/week at the property
2. Require landlords to notify lodgers if they will be away for an extended period of time
3. Deposits from lodgers must be placed into a deposit protection scheme.

When my live-in landlord tried to kick me out of my home for having a small bible study in the house one evening, I realised that there is next to no legal protection for lodgers in the UK.

I feel landlords exploit loopholes in the law to be classified as "live-in" when they are rarely there, meaning they gain all the benefits of it without the hassle of living with lodgers.
There is a huge imbalance of power between lodgers and live-in landlords and laws need updating to address this.

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