Create a national database of people banned from keeping animals

At present there is no national database of the names or case details of people who have received bans from keeping animals for cruelty. It is still possible to receive a ban for cruelty & almost immediately go out & acquire more animals. This is unacceptable & needs to change.

This petition closed on 6 Sep 2020 with 2,142 signatures

Reticulating Splines

A pedigree rescue cat that came into my care some years ago had been acquired by her previous owner following a lifelong ban from keeping animals. The cat's breeder was unaware of the situation at the time of purchase but was eventually involved in her subsequent rescue & rehome.
A national database of animal abusers needs to be created & made accessible to (at least) breeders, shelters & fosterers. Animals are suffering having been obtained by abusers.

Petition Signatures over time

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Reticulating Splines