Legally enshrine the right of adults to physically transition using NHS services

Introduce a law to legally protect the right of those aged 18 and over to transition using NHS services. This should specifically cover physical transition, including hormone treatment and surgery, as otherwise I believe it could potentially be interpreted as including conversion therapy.

2,517 Signatures

Tuesday 28th January 2025
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Monday 28th July 2025
Estimated Final Signatures: 6,291

Reticulating Splines

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I believe that transgender people in the UK have experienced a rise in hatred towards them over the past few years. Many people believe that transgender surgeries should not be funded by the NHS.

Many trans people are unable to afford private healthcare, and their quality of life is severely limited without access to treatment.

Gender dysphoria is serious, and surgery and hormones are an important part of treatment for many.

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Reticulating Splines