Vikki Slade Alert Sample

Alert Sample

View the Parallel Parliament page for Vikki Slade

Information between 13th August 2024 - 22nd September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Division Votes
3 Sep 2024 - Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill - View Vote Context
Vikki Slade voted Aye - in line with the party majority and against the House
One of 66 Liberal Democrat Aye votes vs 0 Liberal Democrat No votes
Tally: Ayes - 82 Noes - 360
4 Sep 2024 - Budget Responsibility Bill - View Vote Context
Vikki Slade voted Aye - in line with the party majority and against the House
One of 64 Liberal Democrat Aye votes vs 0 Liberal Democrat No votes
Tally: Ayes - 73 Noes - 375
10 Sep 2024 - Winter Fuel Payment - View Vote Context
Vikki Slade voted Aye - in line with the party majority and against the House
One of 69 Liberal Democrat Aye votes vs 0 Liberal Democrat No votes
Tally: Ayes - 214 Noes - 335
10 Sep 2024 - Social Security - View Vote Context
Vikki Slade voted Aye - in line with the party majority and against the House
One of 72 Liberal Democrat Aye votes vs 0 Liberal Democrat No votes
Tally: Ayes - 228 Noes - 348

Vikki Slade speeches from: Business of the House
Vikki Slade contributed 1 speech (126 words)
Thursday 12th September 2024 - Commons Chamber
Leader of the House

Written Answers
Wildlife: Crime
Asked by: Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
Friday 6th September 2024

Question to the Home Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if she will make an assessment of the potential merits of (a) making wildlife crimes notifiable and (b) including them in national crime statistics.

Answered by Diana Johnson - Minister of State (Home Office)

There are no plans currently to make all wildlife crimes notifiable and consequentially to include in the national crime statistics. Any non-notifiable wildlife crime reported to police can still be investigated where appropriate, as Chief Constables have operational independence to tackle the crimes that matter most to their communities.

This Government recognises the importance of tackling wildlife crime, which is why, along with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Home Office directly funds the National Wildlife Crime Unit to help tackle these crimes.

The National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU) provides intelligence, analysis and investigative assistance to the police and other law enforcement agencies across the UK to support them in investigating wildlife crime. This includes supporting cases referred by Border Force to the National Crime Agency or to individual forces. The NWCU is also the UK policing focal point for EUROPOL and INTERPOL wildlife crime activity. The NWCU uses this information to produce strategic and tactical assessments of wildlife crime across the UK.

Early Day Motions
Wednesday 11th September

Saudi Arabia’s bid to join the UN Human Rights Council

18 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
That this House expresses profound concern over Saudi Arabia's bid to secure a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council; notes with alarm the extensive record of human rights violations in Saudi Arabia, including but not limited to restrictions on freedom of expression, the use of capital punishment, and …

MP Financial Interests
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
1. Employment and earnings
Role, work or services: Councillor
From: 5 July 2024.
Payer: BCP Council (Local Authority), Civic Centre, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth BH2 6DY
(Registered 11 July 2024)
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
1. Employment and earnings
Remuneration: £49,249 a month Comprises Cllr Allowance (14,458), Leaders SRA (31,320) and Group Leaders Allowance (3,471)
Hours: 60 hrs a week (there is no specific number of hours)
(Registered 11 July 2024)
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
1. Employment and earnings
Role, work or services: Lead Member in Local Government
Payer: Local Government Association, LGA House, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HZ
(Registered 11 July 2024)
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
1. Employment and earnings
Remuneration: £9,627 a month
Hours: 16 hrs a month approximate hours worked
(Registered 11 July 2024)
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
Name of donor: Mark Fidell
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,625
Donor status: individual
(Registered 3 August 2024)
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
Name of donor: Philip Bamborough
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000 general Election Campaign
Donor status: individual
(Registered 3 August 2024)
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
Name of donor: Wimborne Liberal Hall
Address of donor: 22 Park Lane, Wimborne BH21 1LD
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £15,000
Donor status: unincorporated association
(Registered 3 August 2024)
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
Name of donor: Adam Management Holdings Ltd
Address of donor: Suite 52 Batley Business Park, Technology Drive, Batley WF17 6ER
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £3,000
Donor status: company, registration 13453522
(Registered 4 August 2024)
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: National Liberal Club
Address of donor: 1 Whitehall Place, London SW1A 2HE
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Complimentary membership from 15 August 2024 to 31 December 2025. Usual annual fee is £663.69, based value estimate on membership starting after the committee meeting on 14 August 2024 formalises the agreement, value £1,552.86
Date received: 8 July 2024 to 31 December 2025
Date accepted: 8 July 2024
Donor status: unincorporated association
(Registered 4 August 2024)
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
8. Miscellaneous
Trustee of Broadstone Neighbourhood Forum. This is an unpaid role.
Date interest arose: 5 July 2024
(Registered 10 July 2024)
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
8. Miscellaneous
Trustee of Broadstone Youth Club. This is an unpaid role.
Date interest arose: 5 July 2024
(Registered 11 July 2024)
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
8. Miscellaneous
School Committee Member (Governor). This is an unpaid role.
Date interest arose: 5 July 2024
(Registered 11 July 2024)
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
8. Miscellaneous
Board Member of Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership. This is an unpaid role.
(Registered 11 July 2024)
4th August 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
8. Miscellaneous
Company Director - Seascape Group (BCP Council Property Company. As Leader I was appointed to the Board automatically). This is an unpaid role.
Date interest arose: 5 July 2024
(Registered 11 July 2024)
2nd September 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
8. Miscellaneous
Vice Chair of the Campaign for Gender Balance - Associated Organisation for Liberal Democrats
Date interest arose: 5 July 2024
(Registered 17 August 2024)
2nd September 2024
Vikki Slade (Liberal Democrat - Mid Dorset and North Poole)
8. Miscellaneous
Member of the Western Counties Executive of Liberal Democrats: unpaid role
Date interest arose: 5 July 2024
(Registered 17 August 2024)

Early Day Motions Signed
Monday 9th September
Vikki Slade signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 10th September 2024

King’s Award for Voluntary Service, HealthBus Trust

6 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Tom Hayes (Labour - Bournemouth East)
That this House congratulates HealthBus Trust on its receipt of the King’s Award for Voluntary Service; thanks everyone involved in charity for caring for people experiencing homelessness in Bournemouth; recognises its innovations to remove barriers and tackle health inequalities with a mobile GP-led service and key clinical roles; and acknowledges …
Monday 9th September
Vikki Slade signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 10th September 2024

Penguins at Sea Life London Aquarium

11 signatures (Most recent: 24 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Danny Chambers (Liberal Democrat - Winchester)
That this House expresses grave concern regarding the welfare of 15 Gentoo penguins currently being kept in a windowless basement at the London Sea Life Aquarium; notes that these penguins, native to the Antarctic Circle, are confined to a pitifully small enclosure with only six to seven feet of water …
Tuesday 3rd September
Vikki Slade signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Period product scheme for schools and colleges (No. 2)

12 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Lee Dillon (Liberal Democrat - Newbury)
That this House welcomes the period product scheme for schools and colleges; notes that that current scheme was in April of this year extended until July 2025; further notes that a longer duration of support would provide schools and pupils and students who menstruate, or may later start menstruating, who …
Monday 2nd September
Vikki Slade signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Jools' Law petition

18 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Max Wilkinson (Liberal Democrat - Cheltenham)
That this House notes the 126,033 signatures on the petition for Jools’ Law, relating to parental rights of access to children's social media accounts; further notes that current legislation lags behind the progress of social media, leading to concern for many parents seeking protection of their children; notes that the …
Monday 2nd September
Vikki Slade signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Period product scheme for schools and colleges

12 signatures (Most recent: 3 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Lee Dillon (Liberal Democrat - Newbury)
That this House welcomes the period product scheme for schools and colleges; notes that that current scheme was in April of this year extended until July 2025; further notes that a longer duration of support would provide schools and young women with the knowledge that this scheme won’t be removed …
Monday 2nd September
Vikki Slade signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Overseas constituencies

12 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House notes that the Elections Act 2022 increased the number of UK citizens living abroad that are eligible to vote in UK elections to approximately 3.5 million; further notes that UK citizens residing abroad are represented by the hon. Member from their last place of residence in the …
Monday 2nd September
Vikki Slade signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 3rd September 2024

High streets

14 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Sarah Gibson (Liberal Democrat - Chippenham)
That this House welcomes the new report by the Federation of Small Businesses entitled The Future of the High Street; recognises that local communities and local businesses working together on the high street lies at the heart of economic prosperity; and acknowledges that, from local business support to specialised funds, …
Monday 2nd September
Vikki Slade signed this EDM on Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Ban trophy hunting imports

65 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House notes CITES data and investigations by the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting published in the national media showing British trophy hunters are killing and bringing home trophies of threatened species including African elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, hippopotamuses, zebras, wolves, monkeys, wild cats, lynxes, cougars, bears, and African …
Tuesday 30th July
Vikki Slade signed this EDM on Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Voter identification

34 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Calum Miller (Liberal Democrat - Bicester and Woodstock)
That this House believes democracy is best served when eligible voters are encouraged to participate in elections; does not believe there was evidence of widespread voter fraud prior to 2022; notes with concern evidence that the requirement to provide voter identification in order to vote in the 2024 local and …
Monday 2nd September
Vikki Slade signed this EDM on Monday 2nd September 2024

Withdrawal of the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024

83 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House calls on the Government to withdraw the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024.