Robin Swann Alert Sample

Alert Sample

View the Parallel Parliament page for Robin Swann

Information between 12th October 2021 - 8th July 2024

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Robin Swann mentioned

Parliamentary Debates
Northern Ireland Budget (No. 2) Bill
81 speeches (24,562 words)
2nd reading
Monday 10th July 2023 - Commons Chamber
Northern Ireland Office
1: Peter Kyle (LAB - Hove) The former Northern Ireland Health Minister, Robin Swann, gave evidence to the covid inquiry last week - Link to Speech

New Hospital Programme and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
35 speeches (9,203 words)
Tuesday 13th June 2023 - Westminster Hall
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) that is pie in the sky, in all honesty—according to a roadmap set out by the former health Minister, Robin - Link to Speech

NHS Hysteroscopy Treatment
27 speeches (10,134 words)
Tuesday 31st January 2023 - Westminster Hall
Department for International Trade
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) Back home, the then Minister of Health Robin Swann provided an overview of guidance currently followed - Link to Speech

Eye Health
19 speeches (10,053 words)
Thursday 15th December 2022 - Westminster Hall
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) We need to shorten that and I have been in touch with the Minister back home—Robin Swann, who by the - Link to Speech

Autumn Statement 2022
78 speeches (37,465 words)
Tuesday 29th November 2022 - Lords Chamber
HM Treasury
1: Lord Rogan (UUP - Life peer) , by common consent—not a normal occasion in Northern Ireland politics—my Ulster Unionist colleague Robin - Link to Speech

Oral Answers to Questions
143 speeches (9,186 words)
Wednesday 9th November 2022 - Commons Chamber
Northern Ireland Office
1: Tony Lloyd (LAB - Rochdale) Two years ago, the Health Minister Robin Swann, who did such a good job, averted industrial action by - Link to Speech

Huntington’s Disease
28 speeches (12,108 words)
Wednesday 9th November 2022 - Westminster Hall
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) I will follow this up with Robin Swann, the Northern Ireland Health Minister.In that population of 2 - Link to Speech

Baby Loss and Safe Staffing in Maternity Care
66 speeches (13,765 words)
Tuesday 25th October 2022 - Westminster Hall
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) from the devastating impact of the pandemic.I urge the Minister to engage with our regional Minister, Robin - Link to Speech

Unavoidably Small Hospitals
34 speeches (13,281 words)
Tuesday 6th September 2022 - Westminster Hall
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) community services was assessed in England, and I encourage the Minister to engage with Health Minister Robin - Link to Speech

Health and Social Care Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 (Consequential Amendments) Order 2022
16 speeches (2,681 words)
Monday 5th September 2022 - Grand Committee
Northern Ireland Office
1: Lord Caine (CON - Life peer) to this received Royal Assent on 7 February 2022, after which the Northern Ireland Health Minister, Robin - Link to Speech

Heart and Circulatory Diseases (Covid-19)
27 speeches (10,969 words)
Thursday 23rd June 2022 - Commons Chamber
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) That is the responsibility of Robin Swann, the Health Minister in the Northern Ireland Assembly, and - Link to Speech

Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2022
40 speeches (14,170 words)
Tuesday 21st June 2022 - Lords Chamber
Northern Ireland Office
1: Baroness O'Loan (CB - Life peer) There is a working Minister of Health, Mr Robin Swann MLA of the Ulster Unionist Party. - Link to Speech

Smokefree 2030
36 speeches (13,087 words)
Tuesday 26th April 2022 - Westminster Hall
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) relation to Wales—what discussions have taken place with the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Minister, Robin - Link to Speech
2: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) could the Minister have with the Northern Ireland Assembly, and particularly with the Health Minister, Robin - Link to Speech

Foster Carers
36 speeches (13,394 words)
Thursday 21st April 2022 - Westminster Hall
Department for Education
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) I welcome the news that Robin Swann, the Northern Ireland Minister responsible, is prepared to recognise - Link to Speech

Covid-19: Deteriorating Long-Term Health Conditions
23 speeches (13,210 words)
Thursday 10th March 2022 - Westminster Hall
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) Ireland—will be addressed.I know that the Minister has regular contact with the Minister back home—Robin - Link to Speech

Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland
30 speeches (8,521 words)
Thursday 3rd March 2022 - Grand Committee
Northern Ireland Office
1: Lord Rogan (UUP - Life peer) fact that the DUP chose to collapse the Executive without knowing for certain whether my colleague Robin - Link to Speech

Elective Care Recovery in England
69 speeches (7,108 words)
Monday 7th February 2022 - Commons Chamber
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Edward Argar (CON - Charnwood) to—I would like to meet in person but we regularly meet remotely—the Northern Ireland Health Minister, Robin - Link to Speech

NHS England Funding: Announcement to Media
65 speeches (7,195 words)
Monday 25th October 2021 - Commons Chamber
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) What discussions have taken place with Robin Swann, the Health Minister, in relation to that? - Link to Speech
2: Edward Argar (CON - Charnwood) Gentleman knows that I speak to Robin Swann, to whose work I pay tribute, at regular intervals—almost - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Tuesday 26th March 2024
Report - Third Report - The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Found: system in Northern Ireland has been widely seen as financially unsustainable. 17 The Health Minister Robin

Monday 10th July 2023
Correspondence - Correspondence to the Secretary of State, relating to Northern Ireland budget 2023-24 and women’s services, 19 June 2023

Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Found: When the core grant scheme was announced in October last year, the then Minister Robin Swann MLA said

Wednesday 26th April 2023
Written Evidence - Royal College of Nursing, Northern Ireland
FPC0024 - The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland

The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Found: satisfactorily been addressed. 3 On 11 February 2020, Northern Ireland Executive Minister for Health Robin

Wednesday 26th April 2023
Written Evidence - Action Mental Health
FPC0018 - The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland

The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Found: basis funding for mental health services in NI was 31% below England.5 16.In 2021, Health Minister Robin

Wednesday 26th April 2023
Written Evidence - Royal College of GPs in Northern Ireland
FPC0015 - The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland

The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Found: While we welcomed the retention of an additional 10 places granted by the Health Minister Robin Swann

Friday 21st April 2023
Written Evidence - Royal College of Surgeons of England
FPC0005 - The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland

The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Found: For example last year in May, Robin Swann announced three additional surgical training posts

Monday 27th March 2023
Oral Evidence - 2023-03-27 16:15:00+01:00

Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee

Found: During covid, Matt Hancock, Jeane Freeman, Vaughan Gething and Robin Swann were talking almost daily

Wednesday 18th January 2023
Written Evidence - University of Liverpool
GFA0049 - The effectiveness of the institutions of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement

The effectiveness of the institutions of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Found: McAleer (2020) ‘Poll: Robin Swann is best performing minister but damning view of London's handling

Monday 12th December 2022
Written Evidence - University of Liverpool
GFA0034 - The effectiveness of the institutions of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement

The effectiveness of the institutions of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Found: McAleer (2020) ‘Poll: Robin Swann is best performing minister but damning view of London's handling

Monday 11th July 2022
Report - 2nd Report - The Licensing Act 2003: post-legislative scrutiny Follow-up report

Licensing Act 2003 - follow-up - Liaison Committee (Lords)

Found: Ireland is currently in the process of consulting on the introduction MUP and the Minister of Health, Robin

Wednesday 8th June 2022
Oral Evidence - Doug Beattie MLA, Ulster Unionist Party

Follow-up inquiry on the impact of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland - Windsor Framework Sub-Committee

Found: Robin Swann, who should be in the room when these things are being discussed, along with a member of

Friday 22nd April 2022
Correspondence - Correspondence to the Northern Ireland Minister of Health, relating to the reform of stroke services in Northern Ireland, 28 March 2022

Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Found: Simon Hoare MP Chair, Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Robin Swann Minister of Health Northern

Thursday 21st April 2022
Correspondence - Correspondence from the Northern Ireland Minister of Health, relating to the reform of stroke services in Northern Ireland, 7 April 2022

Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Found: Robin Swann Minister of Health

Monday 21st March 2022
Correspondence - Letter from Lord Jay of Ewelme to Edward Argar MP, Minister of State (Minister of Health) re EM 15188/21 et al, 18 March 2022

Windsor Framework Sub-Committee

Found: Harris, Cabinet Office, Harry F lannery, Scrutiny Coordinator, Department of Health and Social Care , Robin

Friday 28th January 2022
Correspondence - Letter from Lord Jay of Ewelme to the Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP, re: Provision of medicines to Northern Ireland, dated 28 January 2022

Windsor Framework Sub-Committee

Found: Chris Heaton -Harris MP, Minister of State for Europe; Edward Argar MP, Minister of State for Health; Robin

Thursday 18th November 2021
Correspondence - 18 November 2021 - Letter from Lord Jay of Ewelme to Lord Frost CMG, Minister of State regarding medicine supply to Northern Ireland under the Protocol

Windsor Framework Sub-Committee

Found: Almeida, EU Ambassador to the UK; Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, Secretary of State fo r Health and Social Care; Robin

Monday 24th May 2021
Oral Evidence - Lord Dunlop, The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP (Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office at Cabinet Office), and Sue Gray (Second Permanent Secretary at Cabinet Office)
Lord Dunlop, Cabinet Office, and Cabinet Office

The Dunlop Review and the UK Government’s union capability - Welsh Affairs Committee

Found: those Administrations, Vaughan Gething, who has now moved, Jeane Freeman, who has now retired, and Robin

Thursday 15th April 2021
Inquiry Publications - 51st Report - Proposed Negative Statutory Instruments under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 Drawn to the special attention of the House: Adoption and Children (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2021 Includes information paragraphs on: 7 instruments relating to COVID-19 Civil Liability Act 2018 (Financial Conduct Authority) (Whiplash) Regulations 2021 and one related instrument; Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) (High-Risk Countries) Regulations 2021; Meat Preparations (Amendment and Transitory Modification) (England) (EU Exit) (Amendment) Regulations 2021

Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee

Found: The 1,100-figure cited in the EM was provided by the Northern Ireland Minister of Health, Robin Swann

Tuesday 13th April 2021
Scrutiny Evidence - Further information from the Northern Ireland Office on the Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2021

Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee

Found: The 1,100 figure has been disclosed by the No rthern Ireland Minister of Health, Robin Swann MLA, through

Friday 29th January 2021
Oral Evidence - Edward Argar MP (Minister of State at Department for Health and Social Care), Ed Moses (Director EU and Trade at Department for Health and Social Care), and Matt Harpur (Deputy Director – Goods at Department for Health and Social Care)
Department for Health and Social Care, Department for Health and Social Care, and Department for Health and Social Care

Future UK-EU relations: energy, environment and health - EU Environment Sub-Committee

Found: We work very closely together, and I work very closely with my opposite number, Robin Swann, who is the

Monday 25th January 2021
Oral Evidence - Rt Hon Brandon Lewis MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, and Colin Perry (Director at Northern Ireland Office)
Rt Hon Brandon Lewis MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, and Northern Ireland Office

Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Found: The Health Minister, Robin Swann, leads on that. We have regular conversations.

Wednesday 2nd September 2020
Correspondence - Letter from Gordon Lyons MLA, Junior Minister, Executive Office, Northern Ireland on follow-up evidence after 23.6.20 oral evidence session, dated 3.8.20

Responding to Covid-19 and the Coronavirus Act 2020 - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee

Found: The Minister of Health, Robin Swann, following the resignation of the RQIA Board me mbers, appointed

Tuesday 16th June 2020
Oral Evidence - Jeane Freeman OBE (Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport at Scottish Government), and Professor Jason Leitch (Clinical Director of Healthcare Quality and Strategy at Scottish Government)
Scottish Government, and Scottish Government

Coronavirus and Scotland - Scottish Affairs Committee

Found: I personally have a weekly call with my four counterparts, Vaughan Gething from Wales, Robin Swann

Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Scrutiny evidence - Submissions on the Abortion (Northern Ireland) (No. 2) Regulations 2020 (SI 2020/503)

Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee

Found: In repl y, the Health Minister Robin Swann MLA answered by saying "For the last full year for which

Friday 15th May 2020
Oral Evidence - 14 May 2020

Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Found: I have been keeping in contact with the Minister of Health, Robin Swann, as well.

Thursday 14th May 2020
Written Evidence - Dr David Oyewole OSOBA
DEL0264 - Delivering Core NHS and Care Services during the Pandemic and Beyond

Delivering Core NHS and Care Services during the Pandemic and Beyond - Health and Social Care Committee

Found: and innovative new ways of working.Building ResilienceIn the words of the right honorable minister, Robin

Written Answers
Ambulance Services: Northern Ireland
Asked by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
Wednesday 23rd February 2022

Question to the Northern Ireland Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, if he will discuss with Cabinet colleagues improvements to ambulance response times in Northern Ireland.

Answered by Conor Burns

Health is a devolved matter in Northern Ireland. The Northern Ireland Health Minister, Robin Swann, has laid out his strategy for the health service in Northern Ireland including tackling ambulance response times.

Parliamentary Research
Northern Ireland devolution: Safeguarding the Union - CBP-9954
Feb. 02 2024

Found: Féin) – Economy • Paul Givan (DUP) – Education • Caoimhe Archibald (S inn Féin) – Finance • Robin

Health inequalities: cold or damp homes - CBP-9696
Feb. 16 2023

Found: an October 2022 statement on winter preparedness (PDF), Northern Ireland’s then Health Minister Robin

A blueprint for eye health in England and the devolved nations - CDP-2022-0238
Dec. 09 2022

Found: National awareness campaign In September 2022, the then Health Minister Robin Swann expressed support

Northern Ireland: Key issues - CBP-9416
Feb. 22 2022

Found: February 2022, following a review of the restrictions in place under the regulations, Health Minister Robin

Jeffrey M Donaldson (Independent - Lagan Valley) - @J_Donaldson_MP
14 Apr 2022, 11:43 p.m.

@duponline is committed to increasing the number of GP’s being trained and to ensuring that GP Practices receive the additional support they need. We will meet with Robin Swann to ensure this is prioritised.

Link to Original Tweet
Sammy Wilson (Democratic Unionist Party - East Antrim) - @eastantrimmp
22 Dec 2021, 9:40 p.m.

Hark the herald angels ping Robin Swann won’t let us do a thing No more parties, work at home In the streets you cannot roam Omni is far worse than the delta curse Stay at home Or they’ll be far worse to come.

Link to Original Tweet
Sammy Wilson (Democratic Unionist Party - East Antrim) - @eastantrimmp
29 Nov 2021, 5:58 p.m.

3/ The Justice & Infrastructure Ministers tell us that the Executive agreed to include all of hospitality. Robin Swann then tells us that the regulations will only apply to licensed premises. Now he tells cafés and coffee shops they may have to introduce the checks.

Link to Original Tweet
Sammy Wilson (Democratic Unionist Party - East Antrim) - @eastantrimmp
29 Nov 2021, 5:57 p.m.

2/ The pro-passport Ministers in the Executive, led by Robin Swann, had months to provide businesses with guidance and prepare regulations – if that was the route they intended to follow – yet confusion reigns.

Link to Original Tweet
Sammy Wilson (Democratic Unionist Party - East Antrim) - @eastantrimmp
19 Nov 2021, 8:25 a.m.

Hospitality scapegoated again to distract from the Health Department’s failings. Brought to you by Robin Swann ??

Link to Original Tweet

Department Publications - Transparency
Thursday 3rd August 2023
Northern Ireland Office
Source Page: Department of Health Annual Report and Accounts 2022-23
Document: Department of Health Annual Report and Accounts 2022-23 (PDF)

Found: for Alcohol and Drugs Phase 2 within 3 months.Achieved - On 7 September 2021, the then Minister, Robin

Department Publications - News and Communications
Wednesday 11th January 2023
Northern Ireland Office
Source Page: Northern Ireland Secretary and Foreign Secretary meet political leaders in Belfast
Document: Northern Ireland Secretary and Foreign Secretary meet political leaders in Belfast (webpage)

Found: Lyons MLA of the DUP, Andrew Muir MLA and Paula Bradshaw MLA of Alliance and Doug Beattie MC MLA and Robin

Thursday 30th June 2022
Department of Health and Social Care
Source Page: Patients to benefit following clinical research boost
Document: Patients to benefit following clinical research boost (webpage)

Found: Robin Swann, Minister for Health, Northern Ireland Executive, said: The recommendations contained in

Thursday 19th May 2022
Northern Ireland Office
Source Page: UK Government moves to ensure abortion services are commissioned in Northern Ireland
Document: UK Government moves to ensure abortion services are commissioned in Northern Ireland (webpage)

Found: Secretary of State will be seeking a clear and unambiguous commitment from the Minister for Health Robin

Department Publications - Research
Tuesday 19th July 2022
Department of Health and Social Care
Source Page: Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration 50th Report: 2022
Document: Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration 50th Report: 2022 (PDF)

Found: and northern England, which have land borders across which individuals might reasonably commute. 162 Robin

Non-Departmental Publications - Statistics
Jul. 13 2023
Office of Manpower Economics
Source Page: Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration 51st Report: 2023
Document: Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration 51st Report: 2023 (PDF)

Found: Robin Swann, the previous Minister of Health, accepted the recommendations of the Review Body in full

Jul. 19 2022
Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration
Source Page: Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration 50th Report: 2022
Document: Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration 50th Report: 2022 (PDF)

Found: and northern England, which have land borders across which individuals might reasonably commute. 162 Robin

Non-Departmental Publications - Transparency
Dec. 15 2021
Migration Advisory Committee
Source Page: Migration Advisory Committee: annual report, 2021
Document: Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) annual governance report, 2021 (PDF)

Found: Ireland Social Care Minister, Robin Swann Prof Brian Bell (Chair), Toby Nutley + Secretariat Members

Deposited Papers
Tuesday 2nd November 2021

Source Page: Intergovernmental relations quarterly report: Quarter 2 2021: reporting period 1 March - 30 June 2021. Reporting on intergovernmental working between the UK government and the devolved administrations. 20p.
Document: Deposit_UK_government_intergovernmental_relations_quarterly_report.pdf (PDF)

Found: State for Health, Edward Argar MP, also met twice with the Minister for Health in Northern Ireland, Robin

Robin Swann mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Government Publications
Tuesday 19th December 2023
Population Health Directorate
Source Page: Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy communication: FOI release
Document: FOI - 202300363585 - 2021 correspondence (PDF)

Found: Ireland Executive Deirdre Hargey (Minister for Communities) Naomi Long (Minister of Justice) Robin

Wednesday 13th December 2023
Population Health Directorate
Source Page: Safety of COVID-19 vaccine for children: FOI release
Document: Safety of COVID-19 vaccine for children: FOI release (webpage)

Found: )On 3 September 2021 UK Health Ministers (Sajid Javid MP, Eluned Morgan AS/MS, Humza Yousaf MSP and Robin

Monday 4th December 2023
Population Health Directorate
Source Page: Parity agreement with UK Government to fund Scottish Infected Blood Support Scheme: FOI release
Document: FOI - 202300356343 - Information release (PDF)

Found: I am copying this letter to Eluned Morgan MS and Robin Swann MLA.

Monday 6th March 2023
People Directorate
Source Page: Ministerial engagements, travel and gifts: February 2022
Document: Ministerial engagements, travel and gifts: February 2022 (Excel)

Found: 00Meeting / Video ConferenceGroup members: Maria Caulfield MP, Carolyn Harris MP, Eluned Morgan MP and Robin

Monday 6th March 2023
People Directorate
Source Page: Ministerial engagements, travel and gifts: October 2021
Document: Ministerial engagements, travel and gifts: October 2021 (Excel)

Found: Policy2021-10-11 00:00:00Visit / N.AVisit to Belfast Inclusion Healthcare HubDrugs PolicySusan Semple Robin

Monday 28th February 2022
Healthcare Quality and Improvement Directorate
Source Page: Rare disease community: letter from Minister for Women's Public Health and Sport
Document: Rare disease community: letter from Minister for Women's Public Health and Sport (webpage)

Found: Health and Social CareThe Rt Hon Baroness Morgan of Ely MS, Minister for Health and Social Services Robin

Thursday 4th November 2021

Source Page: Correspondence to vaccine manufacturers of Pfizer and Astra Zeneca: FOI release
Document: FOI202100224211 - Information released (PDF)

Found: I am copying this response to Vaughan Gething, Minister for Health and Social Services and Robin Swann