@DrRJSimpson @FreddieBailey96 @LabGrassroots These are good points. In communities where there is a mono-type of housing, like council estates, you end up concentrating poverty and upwardly mobile young people migrate out, compounding the problem. A community has to be balanced. The doctor and cleaner living on same street.
@BrianSpanner1 Medieval aristocracy?
It doesn't have to be like this. We've seen every Scottish Government industrial intervention fail because they aren't prepared to go beyond the headlines and do what is necessary to build world-leading manufacturing companies owned in Scotland. It should be our national mission. https://t.co/rqoH3YcjGs https://t.co/e1OM1a4dC4
That goes for the Scottish Education Secretary too, but instead he has the audacity to rehash something that should have been done a year ago as a new election pledge, and we're meant to buy it as progressive. https://t.co/TUbLY0AwMz
@PastGlasgow Hope the tenements blocks return soon. That whole area is desolate.
@blairmcdougall "Excuse me, could we have another referendum please?" https://t.co/c1bwgkOi0M
@David_S1993 The old Strathclyde Regional Council buildings? Boutique Hotel was the last I heard. I'd rather it was the new Scottish Senate!
@JohnFerry18 Was half expecting a cameo from Dorothy Paul.
@jreynoldsMP Great work, keep going! ?
@kevwodonnell "But how will you fund the NHS if you end the intra-UK fiscal transfers and also need to run a surplus to set up a new currency?" https://t.co/Umic4wpn9j