Wednesday 29th May 2024
Formal Minutes -
Formal Minutes: Session 2022-23
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Gardin er
Dr Neil Hudson
Robbie Moore
Mrs Sheryll Murray
Julian Sturdy
Derek Thomas
Neil Parish
Tuesday 28th November 2023
Oral Evidence -
Channel 4, and Channel 4
Culture, Media and Sport Committee
Found: I would not necessarily have expected “Banged
Up” with Johnny Mercer and Neil Parish put in prison
Tuesday 21st March 2023
Correspondence -
Letter to the Minister of State for Schools relating to water safety education
Petitions Committee
Found: Following th is debate, you met with myself, Neil Parish MP, Rebecca Ramsay
and representatives of
Monday 9th January 2023
Formal Minutes -
Formal minutes 2021-22
Treasury Committee
Found: Attendance
Aaron Bell, Chris Law, Neil Parish and Jerome Mayhew attended under SO No. 137A(1)(e).
Friday 11th November 2022
Formal Minutes -
Formal Minutes 2021-22
International Trade Committee
Found: Mark Hendrick
Anthony Mangnall
Mark Menzies
Martin Vickers
Mick Whitley
Craig Williams
Neil Parish
Wednesday 26th October 2022
Formal Minutes -
Formal Minutes: session 2022-23
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Barry Gardiner
Dr Neil Hudson
Robbie Moore
Mrs Sheryll Murray
Julian Sturdy
Derek Thomas
Neil Parish
Wednesday 6th July 2022
Oral Evidence -
Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP, Prime Minister
Liaison Committee (Commons)
Found: Was Neil Parish right to resign from
Thursday 23rd June 2022
Formal Minutes -
Formal Minutes 2021-22
Liaison Committee (Commons)
Found: Halfon
Meg Hillier
Darren Jones
Ian Mearns
Angus Brendan M acNeil
Catherine McKinnell
Neil Parish
Thursday 14th April 2022
Correspondence -
Letter to the Minister of State for School Standards
Petitions Committee
Found: In September, y our predecessor Nick Gibb MP met with me, Neil Parish, and
stakeholder bodies to discuss
Thursday 31st March 2022
Oral Evidence -
30 March 2022
Liaison Committee (Commons)
Found: Chair); Sarah Champion; Philip Dunne; Dame
Diana Johnson; Julian Knight; Catherine McKinnell; Neil Parish
Tuesday 29th March 2022
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Chair to the Secretary of State on Fertiliser prices
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Yours Sincerely
Neil Parish MP
Chair of the Committee
Wednesday 16th March 2022
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Chair to theMinister for Farming, Fisheries and Food in relation to the Joint Fisheries Statement Minister for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Neil Parish MP
Chair of the Committee
Wednesday 16th March 2022
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Chair to the Permanent Secretary in relation to the Department's supplementary estimates 2021-22
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Y
ours sincerely,
Neil Parish MP
Chair of the Committee
Thursday 3rd March 2022
Correspondence -
Letter from Chair to Secretary of State re Import Check Readiness hearing, 01 March 2022
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Yours Sincerely
Neil Parish MP
Chair of the Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Oral Evidence -
British Ports Association, British Retail Consortium (BRC), British Veterinary Association, and Food and Drink Federation
British Ports Association, British Retail Consortium (BRC), British Veterinary Association, and Food and Drink Federation
Import check readiness - Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Kirsty Blackman; Ian Byrne; Rosie
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Oral Evidence -
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Import check readiness - Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Kirsty Blackman; Ian Byrne; Rosie
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Correspondence -
Letter from the Secretary of State regarding Import Check Readiness, dated 21 February 2022
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Street
T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Thursday 24th February 2022
Correspondence -
Letter from the Chair to Jo Churchill MP regarding Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste, dated 23 February 2022
European Scrutiny Committee
Found: We are copying this letter to Neil Parish MP, Chair of the Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs Committee
Wednesday 23rd February 2022
Correspondence -
Correspondence from Minister Prentice re: Follow-up from Fisheries Negotiations session, dated 15 February
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Street
T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Wednesday 23rd February 2022
Correspondence -
Correspondence from Professor Gideon Henderson, Chief Scientific Adviser Defra re: Follow-up from the Work of the Department session, dated 16 February
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Seacole Block,
2 Marsham Street,
T: 0207 238 1645
Neil Parish
Wednesday 23rd February 2022
Correspondence -
Correspondence from Tamara Finklestein, Permanent Secretary, Defra re: Follow-up from the Work of the Department session, dated 14 February
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: 14 February 2022
Neil Parish MP
Chair, Environment, F ood and Rural Affairs Se lect
Monday 7th February 2022
Oral Evidence -
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Mike Dowell (Deputy Director for EU Fisheries Negotiations and Policy at Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Kirsty Blackman; Ian Byrne; Geraint
Monday 7th February 2022
Oral Evidence -
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Kirsty Blackman; Ian Byrne; Geraint
Wednesday 26th January 2022
Correspondence -
Correspondence to the Chair from Minister for Farming, Fisheries and Food regarding Farming Rules for Water, dated 24January 2022
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Street
T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Friday 14th January 2022
Oral Evidence -
Tenant Farmers Association, Stuart Colville (Director of Policy at Water UK), and Prof. Andrew Neal (Soil Microbiologist at Rothamsted Research)
Tenant Farmers Association, Water UK, and Rothamsted Research
Farming rules for water - Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Kirsty Blackman; Ian Byrne; Geraint
Friday 14th January 2022
Oral Evidence -
Environment Agency, and Environment Agency
Environment Agency, and Environment Agency
Farming rules for water - Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Kirsty Blackman; Ian Byrne; Geraint
Friday 14th January 2022
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Chair to the Minister for Farming, Fisheries and Food regarding Farming Rules for Water, dated 14 January 2022
Farming rules for water - Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Yours Sincerely
Neil Parish MP
Chair of the Committee
Wednesday 12th January 2022
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Minister for Farming, Fisheries and Food dated 24 December 2021 regarding Fisheries
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Street
T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Wednesday 12th January 2022
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Minister for Safe and Legal Migration dated 29 December 2021, in relation to Labour Shortages in the Food and Farming Sector
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: and Legal Migration
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF -office
Neil Parish
Wednesday 12th January 2022
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Chair to the Minister for Safe and Legal Immigration, Kevin Foster MP, dated 11 January 2022, regarding Labour Shortages in the Food and Farming Sector
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Yours Sincerely
Neil Parish MP
Chair of the Committee
Tuesday 21st December 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Secretary of State, George Eustice, relating to further delays to the introduction of checks on EU food imports
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Street
T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Friday 17th December 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence to Kevin Foster MP regarding EFRA Committee hearing into labour shortages in the food and farming sector
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Yours Sincerely
Neil Parish MP
Chair of the Committee
Thursday 16th December 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence to the Secretary of State, George Eustice, relating to Moving Animals Across Borders Report
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Yours Sincerely
Neil Parish MP
Chair of the Committee
Monday 6th December 2021
Attendance statistics -
Members' Attendance 2021-22
Liaison Committee (Commons)
Found: Caroline Nokes (Conservative, Romsey and Southampton
(added 20 May 2020) 2 of 5
Neil Parish
Wednesday 1st December 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence with the Secretary of State relating to controls for EU food imports
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Yours Sincerely
Neil Parish MP
Chair of the Committee
Thursday 18th November 2021
Correspondence -
Letter from the Chair to Lord Benyoun regarding the configuration of the animal identification code for the tracebility of certain kept terrestrial animals in the UK in respect of Northern Ireland, dated 17 November 2021
European Scrutiny Committee
Found: We are copying this letter to Neil Parish MP, Chair of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Thursday 18th November 2021
Oral Evidence -
17 November 2021
Liaison Committee (Commons)
Found: Jeremy Hunt; Darren Jones; Julian Knight; Angus Brendan MacNeil; Sir Robert
Neill; Carol ine Nokes; Neil Parish
Wednesday 17th November 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from Victoria Prentis MP to the Chair regarding a follow up to fisheries private briefing, dated 9 November
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Street
T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Wednesday 17th November 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from Victoria Prentis MP re: Initiation of 2022 annual fisheries negotiations, dated 8 November
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Street
T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Friday 5th November 2021
Correspondence -
Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon. Lord Frost regarding EU financial support for regions and sectors affected by the UK's withdrawal: The Brexit Adjustment Reserve (update), dated 3 November 2021
European Scrutiny Committee
Found: I am copying this letter to Neil Parish, Chair of the EFRA Committee and Ben
Williams, Clerk of that
Wednesday 3rd November 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Chief Executive of the Environment Agency relating to farming rules for water, dated 29 October 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: The EA’s interpretation of FR FW follows what is widely deemed to be good farming
practice: Neil Parish
Thursday 28th October 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Chair to the Prime Minister regarding Labour Shortages, 28 October 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: L ondon, S W1A 0 AA
Tel 020 721 9 1119 Email ef Website
Neil Parish
Tuesday 26th October 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Chair to the Chief Executive of the Environment Agency regarding farming rules for water, dated 20 October
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Kind regards,
Neil Parish , Chair of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
3 https
Thursday 23rd September 2021
Oral Evidence -
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Geraint Davies; Rosie Duffield; Dr Neil
Wednesday 8th September 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP, Secretary of State for International Trade, in relation to the New Trade and Agriculture Commission (TAC), 30 July 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: T
W +44 (0) 20 7215 5000
Neil Parish
Thursday 5th August 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Secretary of State, George Eustice to the Chair re: Govt response to "Seafood and Meat Exports to the EU" , 27 July 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: London
T 03459 335577
Mr Neil Parish
Thursday 5th August 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Chair to Secretary of State re: Govt response to "Seafood and Meat Exports to the EU" report, 5 August 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Yours Sincerely
Neil Parish MP
Chair of the Committee
Thursday 5th August 2021
Attendance statistics -
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee attendance for 2019-21, as at 21 July 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Current Members events attended
Neil Parish (Conservative, Tiverton and Honiton) (Chair)
Wednesday 4th August 2021
Inquiry Publications -
Third Report - Implications of the UK-Australia FTA for Wales
Welsh Affairs Committee
Found: agreement , 28 June 2021;, TAC information pack ,
23 June 2021
48 Letter from Liz Truss to Neil Parish
Tuesday 27th July 2021
Correspondence -
Letter from the Chair to Victoria Prentis MP regarding Fisheries Control, dated 19 July 2021
European Scrutiny Committee
Found: I am copying this letter to Neil Parish MP, Chair of the Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs Committee
Wednesday 21st July 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Secretary of State for International Trade in relation to the UK-Australia FTA and Trade and Agriculture Commission, 9 July 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Department for International Trade
Old Admiralty Building
Neil Parish
Wednesday 14th July 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Chair to Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs in relation to the support for UK Food and Drink Exporters overseas, 8 July 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Yours Sincerely
Neil Parish
Chair of the Committee
Wednesday 14th July 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Chair to Rt Hon Liz Truss MP, Secretary of State for International Trade in relation to support for UK Food and Drink Exporters overseas, 8 July 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Yours Sincerely
Neil Parish
Chair of the Committee
Friday 9th July 2021
Oral Evidence -
Office for Environmental Protection, and Office for Environmental Protection
Office for Environmental Protection, and Office for Environmental Protection
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Levy; Caroline Lucas; Cherilyn Mackrory; Jerome Mayhew; Robbie Moore; Dr
Matthew Offord; Neil Parish
Thursday 8th July 2021
Oral Evidence -
7 July 2021
Liaison Committee (Commons)
Found: Clark; Philip Dunne; Robert Halfon; Meg
Hillier; Simon Hoare; Catherine McKinnell; Caroline Nokes; Neil Parish
Wednesday 7th July 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Secretary of State for International Trade, in relation to UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement and the new Trade and Agriculture Commission (TAC), 2 July 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Department for International Trade
Old Admiralty Building
Neil Parish
Friday 25th June 2021
Oral Evidence -
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Cabinet Office, and Cabinet Office
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Cabinet Office, and Cabinet Office
Scottish Affairs Committee
Found: Members of other Committees present: Neil Parish, Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs Committee; Stewart
Thursday 24th June 2021
Correspondence -
Letter from the Chair to Lord Benyon regarding the prohibition to feed non-rumiant farmed animals, other than fur animals, with protein derived from animals, dated 23 June 2021
European Scrutiny Committee
Found: We are copying this letter to Neil Parish MP, Chair of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Friday 11th June 2021
Inquiry Publications -
Third Report - Pre-appointment hearing for the Chair of the Food Standards Agency
Health and Social Care Committee
Found: Food Standards Agency to the work of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Committee we invited Neil Parish
Thursday 10th June 2021
Oral Evidence -
8 June 2021
Health and Social Care Committee
Found: Neil Parish, Chair, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, attended the
Thursday 27th May 2021
Correspondence -
Letter from the Chair to Victoria Prentis MP regarding Fisheries Control, dated 26 May 2021
European Scrutiny Committee
Found: We are copying this letter to Neil Parish MP, Chair of the Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs Committee
Thursday 27th May 2021
Correspondence -
Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon. Lord Benyon regarding the equivalence of forest reproductive material produced in the UK to such material produced in the Union and the equivalence of field inspections and the equivalence of checks on practices for the maintenance of varieties of agricultural plant species out in the UK, dated 26 May 2021
European Scrutiny Committee
Found: We are copying this letter to Neil Parish, Chair of the Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs Committee
Thursday 27th May 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence to the Secretary of State for International Trade, Liz Truss, relating to the Trade Negations with Australia
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Yours Sincerely
Neil Parish
Chair of the Committee
Friday 30th April 2021
Oral Evidence -
27 April 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Geraint Davies; Dave Doogan; Barry
Thursday 29th April 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence to the Secretary of State for Education regarding the provision of land-based education, 29 April 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Yours Sincerely
Neil Parish MP
Chair of the Committee
Thursday 29th April 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence with the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department for Education, Gillian Keegan MP, regarding land-based education
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Neil Parish MP
Chair of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (EFRA)
Dear Neil,
Thursday 22nd April 2021
Correspondence -
Letter from the Chair to Victoria Prentis MP regarding 2021 Fishing Opportunities, dated 21 April 2021
European Scrutiny Committee
Found: We are copying this letter to Neil Parish MP, Chair of the Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs Committee
Monday 12th April 2021
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Secretary of State for International Trade regarding The Statutory Trade and Agriculture Commission (TAC), dated 25 February 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Department for International Trade
King Charles Street
Neil Parish
Friday 26th March 2021
Oral Evidence -
National Farmers Union, Institute of Chartered Foresters, and Landex
National Farmers Union, Institute of Chartered Foresters, and Landex
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Ian Byrne; Geraint Davies, Rosie Duffield;
Friday 26th March 2021
Oral Evidence -
Askham Bryan College, Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership, Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership, and Askham Bryan College
Askham Bryan College, Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership, Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership, and Askham Bryan College
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Ian Byrne; Geraint Davies, Rosie Duffield;
Wednesday 24th March 2021
Attendance statistics -
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee attendance for 2019-21, as at 10 March 2021
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Current Members events attended
Neil Parish (Conservative, Tiverton and Honiton) (Chair)
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Oral Evidence -
Scottish Seafood Association, Clyde Fishermen's Association, and Scotland Food and Drink
Scottish Seafood Association, Clyde Fishermen's Association, and Scotland Food and Drink
Scottish Affairs Committee
Found: Q10 Neil Parish: Jimmy, that is a good idea.
Friday 22nd January 2021
Oral Evidence -
Work of the Environment Agency
Environment Agency, and Environment Agency
Environment Agency, and Environment Agency
Work of the Environment Agency - Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Ian Byrne; Geraint Davies; Dave Doogan;
Friday 18th December 2020
Inquiry Publications -
Second Report - Pre-appointment hearing for the Chair-Designate of the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP)
Environmental Audit Committee
Found: Current membership
Neil Parish MP (Conservative, Tiverton and Honiton ) (Chair)
Ian Byrne MP (Labour
Friday 18th December 2020
Inquiry Publications -
Second Report - Pre-appointment hearing for the Chair-Designate of the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP)
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Current membership
Neil Parish MP (Conservative, Tiverton and Honiton ) (Chair)
Ian Byrne MP (Labour
Wednesday 16th December 2020
Oral Evidence -
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Q3 Chair (Neil Parish) : You have a lot of experience.
Wednesday 25th November 2020
Correspondence -
Correspondence between Select Committee Chairs and the Minister of State for the Constitution and Devolution, UK Common Frameworks, 19 October and 12 November 2020
Scottish Affairs Committee
Found: of Commo ns, London SW1A 0AA
Huw Merrim an MP
Chair, Transport Committee
Neil Parish
Thursday 19th November 2020
Correspondence -
Secretary of State’s reply to the joint letter with the EAC on the interim arrangements for the Office for Environmental Protection
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Street
T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Wednesday 18th November 2020
Correspondence -
DEFRA to Chair on Office for Environmental Protection, November 2020
Environmental Audit Committee
Found: Street
T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Thursday 29th October 2020
Correspondence -
Letter from Rt Hon. the Lord Goldsmith QC to Rt Hon. George Eustice MP on the scrutiny of fisheries agreements, 29 October 2020
EU International Agreements Sub-Committee
Found: write in support of the letter from the Chair of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, Neil Parish
Friday 23rd October 2020
Correspondence -
Correspondence with Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs relating to the interim Office for Environmental Protection
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Yours sincerely ,
Neil Parish MP
Chair, Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs Committee
Tuesday 20th October 2020
Attendance statistics -
Members' Attendance 2019-20
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Current Members events attended
Neil Parish (Conservative, Tiverton and Honiton) (Chair)
Thursday 17th September 2020
Oral Evidence -
16 September 2020
Liaison Committee (Commons)
Found: Hillier;
Simon Hoare ; Julian Knight; Angus Brendan MacNeil; Catherine McKinnell; Sir
Robert Neill; Neil Parish
Wednesday 16th September 2020
Correspondence -
Correspondence with the Secretary of State dated 2 June, 7 and 9 July and 7 September 2020 regarding the Rural Development Programme
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Street
T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Wednesday 2nd September 2020
Correspondence -
Correspondence with the Secretary of State regarding the appointment of the Chair, Office for environmental protection
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Street
London SW1P 4DF T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Wednesday 2nd September 2020
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Secretary of State regarding the companion animal welfare charity sector, 10 August 2020
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Marsham Street
SW1P 4DF T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Wednesday 22nd July 2020
Correspondence -
Correspondence to the Secretary of State and correspondence from Battersea Cats and Dogs Home and others in relation to Companion animal welfare charity sector
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Mr Neil Parish MP
Chair, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
House of Commons
Wednesday 24th June 2020
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department for Education relating to free school meals, 18 June
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: 3BT
tel: 0370 000 2288 2020 -0029461 VFPO
Neil Parish
Friday 19th June 2020
Oral Evidence -
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Ian Byrne; Geraint Davies; Rosie Duffield;
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Special Report -
First Special Report: The effectiveness and influence of the select committee system: Government Response to the Committee’s Fourth Report of Session 2017–19
Liaison Committee (Commons)
Found: Solihull )
Education— Robert Halfon MP (Conservative, Harlow )
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs— Neil Parish
Friday 12th June 2020
Oral Evidence -
Scottish Seafood Association, and New Under Ten Fishermen's Association
Scottish Seafood Association, and New Under Ten Fishermen's Association
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Ian Byrne; Geraint Davies; Dave Doogan;
Friday 12th June 2020
Oral Evidence -
Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, and National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations
Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, and National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Ian Byrne; Geraint Davies; Dave Doogan;
Thursday 14th May 2020
Correspondence -
Correspondence with the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State relating to the catch recording system for under 10-meter fishing boats
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Street
London SW1P 4DF T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Thursday 14th May 2020
Correspondence -
Correspondence from the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State relating to the Small Raised Reservoir Project
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Street
T 03459 335577
Neil Parish
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Government Response -
Scrutiny of the Agriculture Bill: Government Response to the Committee’s Tenth Report of Session 2017–19
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Current membership
Neil Parish MP (Conservative, Tiverton and Honiton ) (Chair)
Geraint Davies MP (
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Government Response -
Coastal flooding and erosion, and adaptation to climate change: Interim Report: Government Response to the Committee’s First Report of Session 2019
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Current membership
Neil Parish MP (Conservative, Tiverton and Honiton ) (Chair)
Geraint Davies MP (
Monday 16th March 2020
Government Response -
Plastic food and drink packaging: Government Response to the Committee’s Sixteenth Report of Session 2017–19
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Current membership
Neil Parish MP (Conservative, Tiverton and Honiton ) (Chair)
Geraint Davies MP (
Monday 16th March 2020
Government Response -
Beyond the Common Fisheries Policy: Scrutiny of the Fisheries Bill: Government Response to the Committee’s Eleventh Report of Session 2017–19
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Current membership
Neil Parish MP (Conservative, Tiverton and Honiton ) (Chair)
Geraint Davies MP (
Monday 16th March 2020
Government Response -
An Update on Rural Connectivity: Government Response to the Committee’s Seventeenth Report of Session 2017–19
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Current membership
Neil Parish MP (Conservative, Tiverton and Honiton ) (Chair)
Geraint Davies MP (
Friday 13th March 2020
Oral Evidence -
Nick von Westenholz (Director of EU Exit and International Trade at National Farmers' Union), Emily Rees (Managing Director at Trade Strategies), and James West (Senior Policy Manager at Compassion in World Farming)
National Farmers' Union, Trade Strategies, and Compassion in World Farming
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Watch the meeting
Members present: Neil Parish (Chair); Geraint Davies; Dave Doogan; Robbie
Thursday 5th March 2020
Correspondence -
Correspondence from Tesco relating to Beef Prices, 18 December 2019
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Found: Tesco PLC
Tesco House
Shire Park
Kestrel Way
Welwyn Garden City
Mr Neil Parish