Oral Answers to Questions

Debate between Mims Davies and Sajid Javid
Monday 24th April 2017

(7 years, 4 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Sajid Javid Portrait Sajid Javid
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First, may I commend my hon. Friend on his work to highlight abuses? I know that he shares my concern about where houses are sold on leasehold. That is an unacceptable practice and we will do something about it.

Mims Davies Portrait Mims Davies (Eastleigh) (Con)
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The leader of the Conservative group in Eastleigh has questioned the methodology behind the plan for an extra 10,000 homes, which could threaten 400-year-old ancient woodland. Without a local plan, and when ancient woodland is under threat, how can housing numbers be verified?

Oral Answers to Questions

Debate between Mims Davies and Sajid Javid
Monday 27th February 2017

(7 years, 6 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Mims Davies Portrait Mims Davies (Eastleigh) (Con)
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T2. If he will make a statement on his departmental responsibilities.

Sajid Javid Portrait The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Sajid Javid)
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In the past month the Local Government Finance Bill has passed its Report stage and the Neighbourhood Planning Bill has almost completed its passage through the Lords. Our housing White Paper has been published and my hon. Friend the Minister for Housing and Planning has been touring the country sharing its bold vision, and I am continuing to meet councillors and council leaders from across the political spectrum to see how we can work together to shape the future of local government.

Mims Davies Portrait Mims Davies
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Councils are rightly using their powers more broadly and competitively. May I ask the Secretary of State and his Department to keep looking at the issues in my constituency, where Eastleigh Borough Council is using commercial sensitivity, public works loans and exempt business to hide behind a deficit, or debt, of £240 million by 2020 and buying unneeded former banks to become libraries? Can the Minister confirm that these details will not be kept from those who voted the council into office?

Sajid Javid Portrait Sajid Javid
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I am glad that my hon. Friend is shining a light on these issues, which are of concern. She will know that transparency is the foundation of local accountability. We have made councils publish data—for example, on spending, procurement and contracts—online and any councillor who hides information from the electorate should be wary of the power of the ballot box.

Housing White Paper

Debate between Mims Davies and Sajid Javid
Tuesday 7th February 2017

(7 years, 6 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Sajid Javid Portrait Sajid Javid
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One of the things the hon. Lady will find in the White Paper is a requirement for all local authorities to account in their plans for everyone in their community, including older people and disabled people. She specifically asks about how we can help supported housing, and there is an ongoing consultation. We are carefully looking at all the issues.

Mims Davies Portrait Mims Davies (Eastleigh) (Con)
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There is a wild west, adversarial, Lib Dem, lazy planning attitude in my constituency, and I welcome page 63 of the White Paper, which says that disabled people’s needs and older people’s needs will be considered. I also welcome the protection of ancient woodland because, at the moment, the only answer in Eastleigh is “out of space” development dropped on ancient woodland.

Sajid Javid Portrait Sajid Javid
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I agree with my hon. Friend on both counts. First, the words “Lib Dem” and “lazy” do go well together. Secondly, she is right about ancient woodland. She has spoken to me about that on a number of occasions, and in the White Paper I did not see why ancient woodland should have less protection than the green belt, as is the case currently. That is why we are upgrading the protection of ancient woodland to the same level as green belt.

Oral Answers to Questions

Debate between Mims Davies and Sajid Javid
Monday 28th November 2016

(7 years, 9 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Sajid Javid Portrait Sajid Javid
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Yes, I do agree with my hon. Friend. He will be pleased to know that the new accelerated construction fund will ensure that allocations of that kind are more forthcoming, and that the £3 billion home building fund will provide more support for small and medium-sized builders.

Mims Davies Portrait Mims Davies (Eastleigh) (Con)
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3. What plans he has to enhance and extend neighbourhood plans.

Sajid Javid Portrait The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Sajid Javid)
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The Government are committed to neighbourhood planning, which enables communities to shape the development and growth of their local areas in a positive manner. The Neighbourhood Planning Bill will further strengthen and future-proof the process, while ensuring that communities have the support that they need.

Mims Davies Portrait Mims Davies
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Well-supported neighbourhood plans and agreed local plans are critical to good local planning and housing. How does the Secretary of State aim to hold to account councils that fail to deliver agreed and well-supported local plans by early 2017, and those that fail to support and encourage neighbourhood plans and hence the right mix of local housing?

Sajid Javid Portrait Sajid Javid
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We expect all authorities to have a plan in place and to keep their plan up to date. We have put that requirement beyond doubt by legislating for it in the Neighbourhood Planning Bill. My hon. Friend’s local council, Eastleigh Borough Council, has not taken the issue seriously and has let down local residents. She is right to stand up for her constituents. Her council should follow her example.

--- Later in debate ---
Mims Davies Portrait Mims Davies (Eastleigh) (Con)
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T1. If he will make a statement on his departmental responsibilities.

Sajid Javid Portrait The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Sajid Javid)
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I am sure that the whole House will welcome the latest official house building numbers showing housing starts at an eight-year high, but there is still a lot more we need to do. That was why last week’s autumn statement contained billions of pounds of funding to get Britain building, and it is why our White Paper, which is due to be published in January, will set out a range of radical plans to boost the housing supply. I can also confirm that we will start announcing local growth fund allocations later this week, and I hope to have all the deals announced before Christmas.

Mims Davies Portrait Mims Davies
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Further to my recent question to the Leader of the House and a written parliamentary question, I would like to raise once again the importance of protecting ancient woodland from hostile development. In terms of delivering much-needed appropriate housing, do Ministers agree that once we bulldoze ancient woodland, it can never come back, and that options B and C in Eastleigh Borough Council’s emerging local plan are completely inappropriate and will destroy a valued local community landscape?

Sajid Javid Portrait Sajid Javid
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My hon. Friend is right: ancient woodland is an irreplaceable habitat. The national planning policy framework is clear that

“planning permission should be refused for development resulting in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats, including ancient woodland”,

unless there are very exceptional circumstances. However, without a local plan, local people do not have the certainty they need. Once again, my hon. Friend has demonstrated that Eastleigh Borough Council is letting its residents down.

Oral Answers to Questions

Debate between Mims Davies and Sajid Javid
Monday 24th October 2016

(7 years, 10 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Sajid Javid Portrait Sajid Javid
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A community right to appeal would further slow down the planning process, which is not in anyone’s interest. We need more homes built in this country and we need them built quickly, and measures such as those in the Neighbourhood Planning Bill are precisely the ones that will help.

Mims Davies Portrait Mims Davies (Eastleigh) (Con)
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In Eastleigh, we face countless hostile planning applications, some destroying ancient woodland and beautiful green spaces. Does the Secretary of State agree that the borough council’s failure to deliver a local plan and much needed associated policies for neighbourhood plans prevents councils such as Botley from bringing forward their neighbourhood plans, thereby letting down my constituents?

Sajid Javid Portrait Sajid Javid
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My hon. Friend has been a consistent champion in this House of the need for Eastleigh to have an up-to-date and properly supported local plan. Eastleigh Borough Council needs to get its act together. Her constituents deserve to have their voices heard, and our neighbourhood plan will strengthen that right.

Oral Answers to Questions

Debate between Mims Davies and Sajid Javid
Monday 18th July 2016

(8 years, 1 month ago)

Commons Chamber
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Mims Davies Portrait Mims Davies (Eastleigh) (Con)
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4. What assessment he has made of the effectiveness of councils in delivering front-line services while limiting council tax levels.

Sajid Javid Portrait The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Sajid Javid)
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We are putting more power in the hands of councils—through devolution deals and the retention of 100% of business rates—to ensure that councils can save money and maintain front-line services.

Mims Davies Portrait Mims Davies
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I thank the Minister for his response. Proper local plans for good front-line planning departments are labour intensive and require meticulous work by local authority officers. Does the Minister agree that creating a poor plan, which then fails due to a lack of evidence, is an example of the shocking waste of hard-earned council taxpayers’ money?

Sajid Javid Portrait Sajid Javid
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I find myself agreeing with my hon. Friend. Planning should be at the heart of what local councils do. Local councils should be setting a vision for the area, and using that as a framework for development. It should be a top priority for all councils. Where it does not happen, we should expect them to resource it properly.