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Written Question
Sports Competitors: Hearing Impairment
Tuesday 4th March 2025

Asked by: Jo Platt (Labour (Co-op) - Leigh and Atherton)

Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, what steps her Department is taking to support deaf athlete swimmers with (a) training, (b) funding and (c) accessing equal opportunities

Answered by Stephanie Peacock - Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Culture, Media and Sport)

The Government is dedicated to making sport in this country accessible and inclusive for everyone, including d/Deaf people.

Our arm's length body, Sport England, has committed £1.2 million between 2022 and 2027 to support deaf sport at the grassroots level, build wider participation, and develop strong governance within UK Deaf Sport. Sport England are also exploring a series of small-scale talent pilots for d/Deaf athletes. These pilots will see Sport England, National Governing Bodies, and UK Deaf Sport working together to explore these issues and suggest potential solutions.

We also recognise the importance of ensuring access to leisure and swimming facilities. Sport England provides support for community facilities, including £250 million National Lottery and Exchequer funding each year. Sport England provides long term investment to Swim England, the National Governing Body for swimming in England, which receives up to £10.5 million for five years to invest in community swimming initiatives that will benefit everyone.

Written Question
Local Press
Thursday 13th February 2025

Asked by: Jo Platt (Labour (Co-op) - Leigh and Atherton)

Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, how (a) the Local News Commission and (b) other similar organisations will be able to contribute to the development of her planned local media strategy.

Answered by Stephanie Peacock - Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Culture, Media and Sport)

We have been working across Government as the Local Media Strategy develops and are also engaging with key external stakeholders, from industry, academia, civil society and local government. Officials have already met with the Public Interest News Foundation, founders of the Local News Commission, as part of that engagement. Our work is also being informed by the range of studies conducted into the state of local journalism in the UK in recent years. With this in mind, we look forward to publication of the Local News Commission’s report and any new insights or recommendations that the Commission is able to offer.

Written Question
Databases: Finance
Tuesday 22nd October 2019

Asked by: Jo Platt (Labour (Co-op) - Leigh and Atherton)

Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, how much funding her Department has allocated to the (a) creation and (b) implementation of the Government Data Strategy.

Answered by Nigel Adams

In June 2018 the Government announced the launch of a National Data Strategy. The team of 13 has been allocated £349,000 for delivery of the strategy and its associated research programme and consultation. There is no budget allocated for the implementation of the strategy. This will be reviewed once the strategy is agreed.

The figures below provide the funding to date.

FY 18/19: £38,000

FY 19/20: £312,000

Written Question
Government Departments: Digital Technology
Tuesday 22nd October 2019

Asked by: Jo Platt (Labour (Co-op) - Leigh and Atherton)

Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture Media and Sport, what progress the Government has made in it's proposal to reduce the duplication of citizen data across Government as stated in the Government Transformation Strategy 2017-2020.

Answered by Nigel Adams

The GDPR and Data Protection Act came into effect in 2018 and enshrines key principles of purpose limitation and data minimisation in the processing of personal data. Government is currently preparing a statutory code of practice for government departments and public sector organisations to provide guidance on compliance with GDPR.

Additionally, in May this year, the Government Digital Service updated their Digital Service Standards. These standards are publicly available and give users permission to copy, distribute and use technology freely or at a low cost avoiding the need for duplication across government. Furthermore we will publish a National Data Strategy, which will set out how government will improve its approach to the handling and use of data.

Written Question
Huawei: 5G
Monday 21st October 2019

Asked by: Jo Platt (Labour (Co-op) - Leigh and Atherton)

Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, with reference to the Answer of 7 October 2019 to Question 292999 on Huawei: 5G, what estimate her Department has made of the cost to telecoms networks arising from the delay of a decision on Huawei's involvement in UK 5G.

Answered by Matt Warman

The Government consulted with industry as part of the Telecoms Supply Chain Review, published in July, which set out proposals for a new framework for telecoms security. The Review also considered the issue of high risk vendors. A decision on this will be made in due course.

Written Question
Electronic Government: Proof of Identity
Tuesday 8th October 2019

Asked by: Jo Platt (Labour (Co-op) - Leigh and Atherton)

Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office, what recent communications he has received from each Gov.UK Verify provider on their continued participation in the scheme.

Answered by Matt Warman

It has not proved possible to respond to the hon. Member in the time available before Prorogation.

Written Question
Databases: Finance
Tuesday 8th October 2019

Asked by: Jo Platt (Labour (Co-op) - Leigh and Atherton)

Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, how much funding her Department has allocated to the (a) creation and (b) implementation of the Government Data Strategy.

Answered by Nigel Adams

It has not proved possible to respond to the hon. Member in the time available before Prorogation.

Written Question
Huawei: 5G
Monday 7th October 2019

Asked by: Jo Platt (Labour (Co-op) - Leigh and Atherton)

Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, pursuant to the oral contribution of the previous Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport of 22 July 2019, Official Report, column 1135, on the Telecoms Supply Chain Review, whether her Department has set a timetable for the decision on what involvement Huawei should have in the provision of the UK’s 5G network.

Answered by Matt Warman

Decisions on additional controls relating to any supply chain company that poses significant security and resilience risks to UK telecoms are still under consideration. This is to allow the implications of the US entity listing on the telecoms market as a whole to be taken into account. These decisions will be announced in due course.

Written Question
Cybercrime: Skilled Workers
Monday 7th October 2019

Asked by: Jo Platt (Labour (Co-op) - Leigh and Atherton)

Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, pursuant to the Answer of 30 September 2019 to Question 291081 on Cybercrime: Skilled Workers, for what reason the Answer did not include information on whether a target has been set for the number of people to be assisted by the third round of funding from the Cyber Skills Immediate Impact Fund.

Answered by Matt Warman

The third round of the Cyber Skills Immediate Impact Fund closed for applications on 27 September. The department will review the bids received before considering appropriate targets and performance indicators for the third round of funding.

The Fund is designed to increase the number and diversity of individuals pursuing a career in the cyber security profession, through supporting and encouraging a sector-led approach to stimulating a sustainable cyber security retraining ecosystem.

Written Question
Cybercrime: Skilled Workers
Monday 30th September 2019

Asked by: Jo Platt (Labour (Co-op) - Leigh and Atherton)

Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, with reference to her Department's announcement entitled New boost to increase diversity in nation’s cyber security industry published on 14 August 2019, what target her Department has set on the number of people who will be assisted by the third round of funding from the Cyber Skills Immediate Impact Fund.

Answered by Matt Warman

The Cyber Skills Immediate Impact Fund encourages a sector-led approach to stimulating the cyber security retraining ecosystem in a sustainable way. It is designed to increase the number and diversity of individuals pursuing a career in the cyber security profession. Launched in 2018, the Cyber Skills Immediate Impact Fund announced its third funding round on 14 August 2019.

We are currently running an open grant competition for proposed initiatives to apply for funding. We expect to support several new initiatives in this round of funding, working closely with employers to maximise the employment prospects of the individuals benefiting from the training programmes. Over 400 people have already benefited from training supported by previous funding rounds, and our objective is that greater numbers will benefit as the businesses we partner with further invest in this sector. The outcome of this programme will be reported in due course.