Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:
To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture Media and Sport, what progress the Government has made in it's proposal to reduce the duplication of citizen data across Government as stated in the Government Transformation Strategy 2017-2020.
The GDPR and Data Protection Act came into effect in 2018 and enshrines key principles of purpose limitation and data minimisation in the processing of personal data. Government is currently preparing a statutory code of practice for government departments and public sector organisations to provide guidance on compliance with GDPR.
Additionally, in May this year, the Government Digital Service updated their Digital Service Standards. These standards are publicly available and give users permission to copy, distribute and use technology freely or at a low cost avoiding the need for duplication across government. Furthermore we will publish a National Data Strategy, which will set out how government will improve its approach to the handling and use of data.