Iqbal Mohamed Alert Sample

Alert Sample

View the Parallel Parliament page for Iqbal Mohamed

Information between 4th December 2021 - 30th August 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Division Votes
22 Jul 2024 - Economy, Welfare and Public Services - View Vote Context
Iqbal Mohamed voted No and in line with the House
One of 4 Independent No votes vs 1 Independent Aye votes
Tally: Ayes - 111 Noes - 390
23 Jul 2024 - Immigration and Home Affairs - View Vote Context
Iqbal Mohamed voted Aye and against the House
One of 5 Independent Aye votes vs 1 Independent No votes
Tally: Ayes - 85 Noes - 382
23 Jul 2024 - Immigration and Home Affairs - View Vote Context
Iqbal Mohamed voted Aye and against the House
One of 6 Independent Aye votes vs 0 Independent No votes
Tally: Ayes - 103 Noes - 363
23 Jul 2024 - Immigration and Home Affairs - View Vote Context
Iqbal Mohamed voted No and in line with the House
One of 5 Independent No votes vs 1 Independent Aye votes
Tally: Ayes - 117 Noes - 384

MP Financial Interests
4th August 2024
Iqbal Mohamed (Independent - Dewsbury and Batley)
2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)
Name of donor: Adnaan Iqbal Mohamed Consulting Ltd
Address of donor: 9 Ravens Grove Dewsbury WF13 3QH
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,090.26 to use for 2024 General election campaign costs
Date received: 10 June 2024
Date accepted: 10 June 2024
Donor status: company, registration 03604904
(Registered 4 August 2024)
4th August 2024
Iqbal Mohamed (Independent - Dewsbury and Batley)
7. (i) Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital
Name of company or organisation: Adnaan Iqbal Mohamed Consulting Ltd.
Held jointly with or on behalf of: Spouse
(Registered 30 July 2024)
4th August 2024
Iqbal Mohamed (Independent - Dewsbury and Batley)
8. Miscellaneous
Voluntary Committee Member of Mohaddis-e-Azam Mission Dewsbury UK, a registered charity. This is an unpaid role.
(Registered 30 July 2024)
4th August 2024
Iqbal Mohamed (Independent - Dewsbury and Batley)
8. Miscellaneous
Director of Adnaan Iqbal Mohamed Consulting Ltd.
Date interest ended: 10 July 2024
(Registered 30 July 2024)

Early Day Motions Signed
Tuesday 3rd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Asda equal pay

12 signatures (Most recent: 10 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Ayoub Khan (Independent - Birmingham Perry Barr)
That this House condemns pay discrimination in all its forms; expresses its full solidarity with the over 50,000 current and former Asda retail workers who have lodged an equal pay claim against the firm; further condemns pay discrimination at Asda which has seen women workers on the shop floor earn …
Wednesday 24th July
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Tax on private jets

24 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Neil Duncan-Jordan (Labour - Poole)
That this House is concerned that private jets release 10 times more carbon per passenger than commercial flights, pay no VAT or fuel duty and most passengers pay the same low rate of air passenger duty as ordinary commercial flyers; recognises that the UK has more private flights and more …
Monday 29th July
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Alcohol harm

17 signatures (Most recent: 9 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House supports the call from the Alcohol Health Alliance and leading public health professionals, made on 17 July 2024, for urgent action to tackle the escalating crisis of alcohol harm; realises that such action will help achieve ambitions to reduce NHS waiting times, crime and inequalities, and to …
Tuesday 30th July
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Voter identification

34 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Calum Miller (Liberal Democrat - Bicester and Woodstock)
That this House believes democracy is best served when eligible voters are encouraged to participate in elections; does not believe there was evidence of widespread voter fraud prior to 2022; notes with concern evidence that the requirement to provide voter identification in order to vote in the 2024 local and …
Monday 2nd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Ban trophy hunting imports

65 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House notes CITES data and investigations by the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting published in the national media showing British trophy hunters are killing and bringing home trophies of threatened species including African elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, hippopotamuses, zebras, wolves, monkeys, wild cats, lynxes, cougars, bears, and African …
Monday 2nd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

High streets

14 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Sarah Gibson (Liberal Democrat - Chippenham)
That this House welcomes the new report by the Federation of Small Businesses entitled The Future of the High Street; recognises that local communities and local businesses working together on the high street lies at the heart of economic prosperity; and acknowledges that, from local business support to specialised funds, …
Monday 2nd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 9th September 2024

Household Support Fund

6 signatures (Most recent: 10 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Ayoub Khan (Independent - Birmingham Perry Barr)
That this House expresses deep concern that when the current Household Support Fund ends in September 2024, there are no current plans in place to address the substantial gap this will leave; notes that charities including the Trussell Trust are facing a hugely worrying cliff edge for many of the …
Monday 2nd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Gambling regulations

15 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Beccy Cooper (Labour - Worthing West)
That this House notes with concern that the most recent regulations on gambling are from the Gambling Act 2005; considers the need for further affordability checks, levies and advertising limits following the rise of online gambling since 2005; and calls on the Government to act swiftly to implement the recommendations …
Monday 2nd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 9th September 2024

Bullying in parish and town councils

10 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House believes that local parish and town councils play a vital role in our democracy and are central to community life in many parts of our country; expresses its concern that in some councils there are significant issues of bullying, with poor behaviour from councillors towards their fellow …
Monday 2nd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Social Security

81 signatures (Most recent: 10 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Rishi Sunak (Conservative - Richmond and Northallerton)
That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty, praying that the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024 (S.I., 2024, No. 869), dated 22 August 2024, a copy of which was laid before this House on 22 August 2024, be annulled.
Monday 2nd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

16 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Rachael Maskell (Labour (Co-op) - York Central)
That this House supports the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative; notes that the treaty initiative is a global effort to foster international cooperation to accelerate a transition to renewable energy, end the expansion of coal, oil and gas, and support an equitable phase out of existing production; believes that the …
Monday 2nd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

The Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024

48 signatures (Most recent: 10 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Neil Duncan-Jordan (Labour - Poole)
That this House expresses its concern that The Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024 are being introduced without prior consultation or an impact assessment, nor with sufficient time to put in place a proper and effective take-up campaign for Pension Credit; notes this approach fails to take account for …
Monday 2nd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Withdrawal of the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024

83 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House calls on the Government to withdraw the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024.
Monday 2nd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Accelerating construction work and lower carbon construction vehicles

22 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Alistair Carmichael (Liberal Democrat - Orkney and Shetland)
That this House recognises the benefits of the production of concrete with zero waste, fewer lorry movements and minimal water waste by greener volumetric mobile concrete plants (VCMs); acknowledges that since their invention in 1975 and following regulations in 2918, VCMs have operated safely in the UK at 38.4 tonnes …
Tuesday 3rd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 9th September 2024

Home-to-school transport

7 signatures (Most recent: 9 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Ayoub Khan (Independent - Birmingham Perry Barr)
That this House expresses concern and regret that ever more extreme cuts to local government are causing local authorities to cut post-16 home-to-school transport for those in receipt of an EHCP who require it; calls upon the Government to make post-16 home-to-school transport a statutory service for those who require …
Tuesday 3rd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 9th September 2024

Period product scheme for schools and colleges (No. 2)

12 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Lee Dillon (Liberal Democrat - Newbury)
That this House welcomes the period product scheme for schools and colleges; notes that that current scheme was in April of this year extended until July 2025; further notes that a longer duration of support would provide schools and pupils and students who menstruate, or may later start menstruating, who …
Tuesday 3rd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2024

Spot Leukaemia campaign

15 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Sorcha Eastwood (Alliance - Lagan Valley)
That this House supports the Spot Leukaemia campaign held during Blood Cancer Awareness Month; recognises that September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month; highlights that Spot Leukaemia is a campaign with a focus on earlier diagnosis of leukaemia; further highlights that Leukaemia UK and Leukaemia Care work together each year to …
Thursday 5th September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 9th September 2024

Anniversary of the Featherstone Massacre

4 signatures (Most recent: 11 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House remembers the massacre that took place in Featherstone in West Yorkshire on 7 September 1893 at the hands of the British army; commemorates the six people injured and two killed, named James Gibb, 22, and James Duggan, 25, after the army fired shots into a crowd of …
Tuesday 3rd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 4th September 2024

Conduct of Lord Hendy of Richmond Hill CBE

3 signatures (Most recent: 5 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Shockat Adam (Independent - Leicester South)
That this House notes that award-winning railway engineer, Gareth Dennis, was sacked from his role at SYSTRA UK following an intervention by Lord Hendy of Richmond Hill CBE, then Network Rail Chair and now Minister for Rail, over comments Mr Dennis made about overcrowding at Euston Station; further notes that …
Tuesday 3rd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Human rights in Palestine

8 signatures (Most recent: 10 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Ayoub Khan (Independent - Birmingham Perry Barr)
That this House notes that, according to Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood; further notes that the Right …
Monday 2nd September
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Mutual Defence Agreement

7 signatures (Most recent: 10 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That this House notes the expiry this year of the 10-year extension of the Agreement between the UK and the USA for Cooperation in the Uses of Atomic Energy for Mutual Defence Purposes; further notes that the published proposed amendments presented to the House in July 2024 extend the Agreement …
Friday 26th July
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 29th July 2024

St Leonard’s Catholic School, City of Durham

5 signatures (Most recent: 29 Jul 2024)
Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House expresses its support for the parents, pupils and staff at St Leonard’s Catholic School in City of Durham who were deeply affected by the reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete crisis in August 2023; notes the extent of the disruption that the crisis caused; believes the previous Conservative government …
Friday 26th July
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 29th July 2024

NHS staff car parking charges

19 signatures (Most recent: 5 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House supports free car parking for all NHS staff; notes that driving to work is the only viable option for some NHS staff; further notes that some NHS Trusts have introduced complicated invoicing systems through which staff are billed for parking, which has contributed to low morale in …
Thursday 25th July
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 24th July 2024

Recognition of the state of Palestine

20 signatures (Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Shockat Adam (Independent - Leicester South)
That this House notes the UN General Assembly resolution of 9 May 2024 which recommended that the Security Council reconsider the matter of the recognition of the state of Palestine following the use of their veto by the United States on 18 April 2024; recognises the international community’s growing consensus, …
Monday 22nd July
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Student protests in Bangladesh

30 signatures (Most recent: 2 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House is alarmed about the human rights situation Bangladesh; is particularly appalled that a large number of students have been killed or brutally injured whilst protesting against the Government’s quota system; notes Bangladesh Supreme Court’s latest ruling on the quota system but remains concerned for the safety of …
Wednesday 17th July
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Thursday 18th July 2024

Gareth Southgate resignation as England Manager

33 signatures (Most recent: 23 Jul 2024)
Tabled by: Adam Jogee (Labour - Newcastle-under-Lyme)
That this House notes with sadness the resignation of Gareth Southgate OBE from his role as manager of the England men’s national team on Tuesday 16 July 2024; appreciates Mr Southgate’s commitment, leadership and his steadfast support for grassroots sport; celebrates the brilliant performance of the England squad in the …
Wednesday 17th July
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Thursday 18th July 2024

Public ownership of water

17 signatures (Most recent: 24 Jul 2024)
Tabled by: Ellie Chowns (Green Party - North Herefordshire)
That this House condemns the mismanagement and underinvestment which led to untreated sewage being discharged into English waterways for more than 3.6 million hours in 2023; notes that water companies in England have incurred debts of more than £64 billion and paid out £78 billion in dividends since they were …
Wednesday 17th July
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Thursday 18th July 2024

Ending the two-child benefit cap

38 signatures (Most recent: 22 Jul 2024)
Tabled by: Kim Johnson (Labour - Liverpool Riverside)
That this House recognises the new data published by the Department for Work and Pensions on the two-child limit to benefit payments which shows that there are now 1.6 million children living in families impacted by this policy, or one in every nine children; further recognises that of those families …
Wednesday 17th July
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Thursday 18th July 2024

Consumer water bills

43 signatures (Most recent: 2 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrat - Richmond Park)
That this House regrets the large increases that have been proposed to consumer water bills; notes that water companies continue to dump sewage into local waterways; believes, as a point of principle, that it is unfair for water companies to make consumers bear the brunt of the costs for improvements …
Wednesday 17th July
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Thursday 18th July 2024

International Criminal Court, Gaza and the Rule of Law

42 signatures (Most recent: 2 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House rejects attempts by the previous Government to undermine the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) right to seek an arrest warrant against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes, following the decision by the ICC Chief Prosecutor to issue applications for arrest warrants for a number of Israeli and …
Wednesday 17th July
Iqbal Mohamed signed this EDM on Thursday 18th July 2024

Child poverty and the two-child benefit cap

78 signatures (Most recent: 2 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House believes no child should grow up without adequate food, a warm home or security for their future; notes the Department for Work and Pensions' April 2024 statistics which state that 1.6 million children are affected by the two-child benefit cap; further notes that parents subject to the …

Iqbal Mohamed mentioned

Parliamentary Debates
Immigration and Home Affairs
203 speeches (58,087 words)
Tuesday 23rd July 2024 - Commons Chamber
Home Office
1: Ayoub Khan (Ind - Birmingham Perry Barr) Members for Blackburn (Mr Hussain), for Leicester South (Shockat Adam), for Dewsbury and Batley (Iqbal - Link to Speech