Became Member: 5th February 1996
Left House: 7th March 2025 (Retired)
Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.
These initiatives were driven by Lord Taverne, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.
A bill to provide for bishops of the Church of England no longer to be entitled to membership of the House of Lords
A Bill to entitle students granted discretionary leave to remain to be charged tuition fees and maintenance support on the same basis as home students; and for connected purposes
Lord Taverne has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting
Over one third of state funded schools in England are designated as having a religious character, although not all include faith-based oversubscription criteria in their admission arrangements.
The department does not collect information on the number of schools that include faith-based criteria in their admission arrangements, nor the proportion of places allocated on the basis of faith. We have no plans to collect this information or to include this information in school statistics.
The department will consider a range of evidence, including opinion polls and official statistics, as part of the process for deciding how to take forward the proposals contained in the ‘Schools that work for everyone’ consultation including in relation to the 50% cap on faith admissions.
The department does not collect information about the level of use of faith oversubscription criteria in any school.
The department is considering proposals on the future of the 50% cap and will respond in due course.