Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.
These initiatives were driven by Lord Garnier, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.
Lord Garnier has not introduced any legislation before Parliament
Lord Garnier has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting
The average (mean) tariff for murderers (excluding whole life cases) sentenced in 2022 was 257 months and in 2023 it was 266 months.
Year of Sentence | Mean Tariff (months) |
2022 | 257 |
2023 | 266 |
Data sources and quality -
Note that the tariff length is the time between date of sentencing and tariff expiry date and does not take into account any time spent on remand. The figures do not include whole-life orders. The numbers are subject to revision as more data become available; any changes in the numbers since the last publication of this information is as a result of more sentencing data becoming available.
The data have come from administrative IT systems which, as with some large-scale recording systems, are subject to possible errors with data entry and processing and may be amended as part of data cleansing or updates.
The figures are rounded to the nearest whole number.