Bill Debates
Data (Use and Access) Bill [HL] 2024-26
(32,233 words contributed)
Environment Act 2021
(27,385 words contributed)
Fisheries Act 2020
(23,129 words contributed)
Agriculture Act 2020
(21,386 words contributed)
Digital Economy Act 2017
(15,030 words contributed)
Ivory Act 2018
(9,664 words contributed)
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018
(5,789 words contributed)
Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023
(5,645 words contributed)
Kew Gardens (Leases) Act 2019
(4,847 words contributed)
Bus Services Act 2017
(3,107 words contributed)
Wild Animals in Circuses Act 2019
(2,480 words contributed)
Pension Schemes Act 2021
(2,430 words contributed)
Financial Services Bill 2019-21
(2,125 words contributed)
Shark Fins Act 2023
(1,452 words contributed)
Animals (Penalty Notices) Act 2022
(969 words contributed)
UK Infrastructure Bank Act 2023
(840 words contributed)
Farriers (Registration) Act 2017
(540 words contributed)