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Closed Petition closed 13th July 2021

Make spitting in the street illegal - Final Signatures: 47

Ban and fine people for spitting in the street. It used to be illegal and during Covid people should be fined for doing so. Not only is it disgusting it could also be spreading the virus.

Closed Petition closed 23rd October 2021

Make it easier for people to build low impact housing - Final Signatures: 109

Update planning laws to allow for environmentally friendly, low impact and sustainable homes to be built in England more easily, thus letting people live with less impact on the environment. This has been done with the one planet development policy in Wales and the crofting legislation in Scotland.

Closed Petition closed 13th July 2021

Abolish council tax and fund local authorities from general taxation - Final Signatures: 193

Council tax should be abolished period. It is an absolute disgrace that people in this country are forced to pay council tax, especially in the current economic climate.

Closed Petition closed 21st October 2021

Reduced Council Tax for private estate properties - Final Signatures: 618

Councils should be required to reduce the council tax for the properties that are within "private" estates as all the maintenance costs for communal areas are paid by the homeowners, both leaseholders and freeholders.

Closed Petition closed 26th April 2021

Fund local authorities to provide CCTV in parks and open spaces - Final Signatures: 109

The Government should give local councils the necessary funding to make parks and open spaces safer by having CCTV in all parks and open spaces.

Cutting Crime and antisocial behaviour in Parks and open spaces should be high priority for safety and security of everyone who use them.

Closed Petition closed 10th August 2021

Increase requirements and support for renewable energy for domestic property - Final Signatures: 142

Legislate that all new buildings should have at least one renewable energy source & increase support to encourage & assist renewable energy to be taken up by existing home owners.

Closed Petition closed 29th October 2021

Cap monthly Council Tax payments to no more than 8% of net income - Final Signatures: 56

The Government should pass legislation stating that council tax cannot exceed more than 8% of a household's income (take home pay or pension) on council tax.

Closed Petition closed 12th July 2021

Extend the deadline for Electrical Installation Condition Reports - Final Signatures: 142

The current deadline for Electrical Installation Condition Reports is April 2021. With the lockdown and tenants working from home or shielding, it's harder for contractors to physically enter the houses. The deadline therefore needs changing by 12 months or AT LEAST the end of 2021.

Closed Petition closed 18th June 2021

Create a rent Cap law for London Similar to the Berlin and Barcelona examples - Final Signatures: 56

The city of Berlin among other European capitals have put forward laws that put a limit into rent prices. Making sure citizens are not charged excessive rent prices. Prioritising it’s citizens livelihoods and cost of living against excessive greedy profits.

Closed Petition closed 5th September 2020

Help independent businesses creating regeneration in struggling High Streets. - Final Signatures: 97

As a new business opening on the high street I would like to see more support given to independent small family businesses like our. Businesses that will create foot fall into the high street. As a business with a community ethos, an aim to be carbon neutral and also reduce food and packaging waste.