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Closed Petition closed 12th April 2021

Enable all students to end university tenancy agreements early due to Covid-19. - Final Signatures: 68,297

Many students are currently tied into expensive agreements for rooms they do not need and would rather not use. Scotland has already legislated for this. We want all students to have the same rights. We were misled into thinking universities would be Covid-safe. The reality is that they are not.

The Government responsed to this petition on 23rd February 2021 (View Full Response)
We do not currently have plans to legislate in this area. University and private providers are autonomous but we encourage them to be fair and consider students’ interests in their decisions.
Closed Petition closed 1st December 2021

Hold a full and independent inquiry into the cladding and fire safety scandal - Final Signatures: 11,490

Figures suggest 1.9 million leaseholders are now considered "mortgage prisoners". Government blames builders, builders blame building regulation, inspectors blame builders. Innocent leaseholders have a right to know who was responsible for one of the greatest building scandals in UK history.

The Government responsed to this petition on 15th December 2021 (View Full Response)
The Building Safety Bill requires an independent person to review building and construction products regulatory regimes. This could cover what went wrong and if the new system has resolved the issues.
Closed Petition closed 6th February 2021

Council Tax reduction for people paying Estate Management fees - Final Signatures: 11,488

I want a reduction in Council tax for people on private estates paying stewardship/management fees.

The Government responsed to this petition on 13th October 2020 (View Full Response)
The Government has confirmed it will introduce legislation so homeowners can better challenge the reasonableness of estate management fees. However, there are no plans for a council tax discount.
Closed Petition closed 11th June 2021

Require councils to add shades to LED street lamps automatically - Final Signatures: 347

Make councils add shades to LED street lamps automatically rather than make residents request councils to add them after the fact.

At the moment councils are driven to replace sodium lighting with LEDs but these are really bright and affect sleep and dark skies for amateur astronomers.

Closed Petition closed 1st September 2021

Create a rent cap of £700 PCM and give extra protections to renters - Final Signatures: 78

Put a cap on private renting of £700 per calendar month (PCM) so that it is affordable for people in the private rental sector, as there is a lack of social housing and it can be very hard to get accepted.

Closed Petition closed 25th November 2021

Legislate to enable Councillors to be disqualified or suspended for poor conduct - Final Signatures: 11,453

The Government should amend legislation to enable Councillors to be disqualified or suspended for breaching relevant Codes of Conduct. Some Councillors behave unacceptably, yet currently sanctions do not enable Councillors to be disqualified or suspended for breaches of a Code of Conduct.

The Government responsed to this petition on 25th November 2021 (View Full Response)
The Committee on Standards in Public Life, in their report Local Government Ethical Standards, made recommendations on suspension of councillors and conduct. The Government will respond in due course.
Closed Petition closed 20th July 2021

Increase legal protection for lodgers (people with live-in landlords) - Final Signatures: 37

The laws protecting lodgers need to be updated. I suggest:

Closed Petition closed 9th June 2021

Make it compulsory for councils to scan deceased animals found on road side - Final Signatures: 344

Most councils do not microchip check deceased pets found on the road side. It should be made compulsory for any cats and dogs reported or found to be chip checked in order to notify the owners.

Closed Petition closed 3rd June 2021

Require local authorities to have free helplines for the homeless and vulnerable - Final Signatures: 18,318

We are calling for the government to require all local councils across the country to provide FREE helplines for the homeless and vulnerable when in need of urgent support or shelter.

Homelessness, mental illness and poverty are rife across the country.

The Government responsed to this petition on 17th December 2020 (View Full Response)
Local authorities have a duty to provide advice and information about homelessness and the prevention of homelessness free of charge. Local authorities are responsible for how the advice is delivered.
Closed Petition closed 22nd August 2021

Require local authorities to compost all food waste - Final Signatures: 146

Make it mandatory that all food waste and compostable material is collected and composted, rather than go to landfill or incineration.