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Closed Petition closed 4th June 2018

Reverse A Proposed Ban On Letting Agents Charging Fees To Tenants - Final Signatures: 10,845

Firstly, something must be done to help tenants with some agents charging ludicrous fees to tenants!
I would propose a fee cap. Agents cant charge any higher than a set agreed price.
It is vital to sustain affordability for all tenants, landlords and agents.
Please read on to help understand...

The Government responsed to this petition on 20th February 2018 (View Full Response)
Government is committed to banning tenant fees to deliver a fairer lettings market where tenants have greater clarity over what they pay and the landlord is the primary customer of the agent.
Closed Petition closed 30th May 2018

Let all UK citizens vote on who is mayor of London not just Londoners. - Final Signatures: 20,768

London being the capital city, all uk citizens should have a say who becomes mayor.

The Government responsed to this petition on 24th January 2018 (View Full Response)
Government will not extend London mayoral elections to all UK voters. The London Mayor is accountable directly to London’s electorate, because it is Londoners whom the Mayor serves.
Closed Petition closed 21st March 2024

Create a national strategy to end youth homelessness - Final Signatures: 15,334

In 2021-22, 129,000 young people experiencing homelessness approached their council for help. Yet no one is talking about this and there is no national plan to end this ahead of the General Election.

This has to change. We have the power to help so many young people, and absolutely should.

The Government responsed to this petition on 22nd February 2024 (View Full Response)
Government is committed to tackling homelessness and ending rough sleeping for good. Our strategy is backed by over £2bn over 3 years. Tackling youth homelessness is critical to this strategy.
Closed Petition closed 20th December 2022

Require all new builds to have solar panels as condition of planning permission - Final Signatures: 15,145

Make it mandatory for all new buildings to be fitted with solar panels as a condition of planning permission.

The Government responsed to this petition on 23rd November 2022 (View Full Response)
We do not mandate solar panels to enable innovation and tailoring to individual sites. However we expect most developers will use solar panels to meet the recent uplift in energy efficiency standards.
Closed Petition closed 21st October 2021

Make repairing or replacing a damaged boundary fence a legal requirement - Final Signatures: 46

Home owners should be legally responsible for replacing blown down fencing that intrudes on another property, or repairing fencing to maintain a secure shared boundary.

Closed Petition closed 29th September 2021

Mark Allen's Law - we want throwline stations around all bodies of open water - Final Signatures: 103,527

Mark Allen, aged 18, drowned after jumping into a freezing reservoir on a hot day in June 2018.

In May 2019 we watched whilst 3 throwlines were installed where he died.

Mark could have possibly been saved if they were in place beforehand.

Debate: This petition was debated in Westminster Hall on 24th January 2022

The Government responsed to this petition on 1st July 2021 (View Full Response)
This tragic loss of life highlights the importance of landowner's responsibility to assess and act on the risks posed by open bodies of water on their land.
Closed Petition closed 3rd August 2021

Require councils to suspend council tax increases for year 2021/2022 - Final Signatures: 1,587

Require councils to suspend council tax rises, to ease the pressure on family budgets caused by the coronavirus outbreak.

Closed Petition closed 28th October 2021

Ban social housing evictions if it’s a result of a low or zero income - Final Signatures: 25

I want the government to end all evictions in the social housing sector if it’s a direct result of low or zero finances

Closed Petition closed 29th September 2021

Require, by law, a basic level of training for all Planning Committee members. - Final Signatures: 25

Require that all elected members who sit on Planning Committees in the UK receive a basic, perhaps standardised, level of training in the principles of Town and Country Planning and relevant legislation.

Closed Petition closed 16th August 2021

Change succession rights to allow tenancies to be passed down more than once - Final Signatures: 74

Housing association tenancies should be allowed to be passed down more than once to allow families to stay in their home also will cut down numbers on homelessness , less people to rehome children can stay in same schools and keep same jobs living in same area they lived in.