Introduce a legal right to paid bereavement leave
- 314 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 454 - 1 added in the past 24hrs)
There is currently no legal right to paid bereavement leave (time off work when a loved one passes away) in the UK, except parental bereavement leave. Working parents who suffer the loss of a child are currently entitled to two weeks of statutory paid leave.
Ban websites from making people pay a fee to reject cookies
- 60 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 245 - 3 added in the past 24hrs)
I want the government to place a ban on websites putting a ‘reject and pay’ button as the only option to reject cookies. Some websites, including tabloid news sites, have changed the options regarding cookies and now make you pay to reject.
Require all non-essential businesses to close on Christmas and Boxing Day
- 50 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 222 - 1 added in the past 24hrs)
I call on the Government to require all non-essential businesses, including the hospitality sector, to close on Christmas and Boxing Day so staff can spend time together with their families during the holidays.
Boost the UK economy & reduce unemployment by reducing corporation tax
- 29 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 118 - 1 added in the past 24hrs)
I believe that lowering corporation tax to 1% could encourage foreign investment potentially boosting the UK economy and reducing unemployment.
Establish Harvest Day as a national bank holiday.
- 16 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 76 - None added in the past 24hrs)
We request the Government officially designate a Harvest Day as a bank holiday. This would close businesses and government offices. We think it would promote family gatherings and community celebrations of harvests and foster a spirit of gratitude and support for those in need.
Install microplastic filters on new washing machines as standard
- Final Signatures: 17,579
Each machine wash can shed up to 700,000 microplastics into our ecosystem. Microplastics are now in our rivers and oceans, our fish, our salt, our food chain - and yes - our poos! 91% of marine particles and 92% of freshwater particles are microplastics. We need to stem the flow at the source.
The Government responsed to this petition on 3rd September 2019 (View Full Response)All venues that hold firework displays to be licenced
- Final Signatures: 67,185
The Shetland Pony Welfare Trust is a small Registered Charity and has for a number of years been suffering from the effects of Fireworks being set off only a few yards from its sanctuary, of rescued horses and ponies.
Thousands of pet owners have similar issues
Ban fireworks for general sale to the public.
- Final Signatures: 305,579
Every year more and more people, animals and wildlife get hurt by fireworks. It’s time something was fine to stop this. There are enough organised firework groups around for us to still enjoy fireworks safely so please help me stop the needless sale of them to the public!
Debate: This petition was debated in Westminster Hall on 2nd November 2020
The Government responsed to this petition on 5th November 2019 (View Full Response)British households are facing unprecedented energy and fuel price rises. These rises are happening because there is not enough affordable oil and gas available to the UK. To help solve the Cost of Living Crisis we need to import affordable energy and fuel. Russia's energy sector can help us.
Reduce VAT rates for replacement components for consumer electronics
- Final Signatures: 13
We are requesting a reduction of VAT rates for replacement components for consumer electronics such as mobile phones, tablets and game consoles – with a view to reducing the cost of these components by up to 20%, and making repair a more viable alternative to "replacement", to reduce e-waste.