Data (Use and Access) Bill [HL] 2024-26

make provision about access to customer data and business data; to make provision about services consisting of the use of information to ascertain and verify facts about individuals; to make provision about the recording and sharing, and keeping of registers, of information relating to apparatus in streets; to make provision about the keeping and maintenance of registers of births and deaths; to make provision for the regulation of the processing of information relating to identified or identifiable living individuals; to make provision about privacy and electronic communications; to establish the Information Commission; to make provision about information standards for health and social care; to make provision about the grant of smart meter communication licences; to make provision about the disclosure of information to improve public service delivery; to make provision about the retention of information by providers of internet services in connection with investigations into child deaths; to make provision about providing information for purposes related to the carrying out of independent research into online safety matters; to make provision about the retention of biometric data; to make provision about services for the provision of electronic signatures, electronic seals and other trust services; and for connected purposes.

What is this Bill?

The Data (Use and Access) Bill [HL] is a Government Bill tabled by a Minister of the Crown.

Is this Bill currently before Parliament?

Yes. This Bill was introduced on 23 October 2024 and is currently before Parliament.

Whose idea is this Bill?

Government Bills implement the legislative agenda of the Government. This agenda, and the Bills that will implement it, are outlined in the Queen's Speech at the Session's State Opening of Parliament.

What type of Bill is this?

Government Bills are technically Presentation Bills, but the Government can use its legislative time to ensure the schedule of debates to scrutinise the Bill.

So is this going to become a law?

Though the Bill can be amended from its original form, the Bill will almost certainly be enacted in law before the end of the Session, or will be carried over to the subsequent Session.

How can I find out exactly what this Bill does?

The most straightforward information is contained in the initial Explanatory Notes for the Bill.

Would you like to know more?

See these Glossary articles for more information: Government Bills, Process of a Bill

Official Bill Page Initial Explanatory Notes All Bill Debates

Next Event: There is no future stage currently scheduled for this bill

Last Event: Wednesday 23rd October 2024 - 1st reading (Lords)

Bill Progession through Parliament

Lords - 20%

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