Wales Act 2014

To make provision about elections to and membership of the National Assembly for Wales; to make provision about the Welsh Assembly Government; to make provision about the setting by the Assembly of a rate of income tax to be paid by Welsh taxpayers and about the devolution of taxation powers to the Assembly; to make related amendments to Part 4A of the Scotland Act 1998; to make provision about borrowing by the Welsh Ministers; to make miscellaneous amendments in the law relating to Wales; and for connected purposes.

Government Bill

(Wales Office)
What is this Bill?

The Wales Act 2014 was a Government Bill that became an Act of Parliament.

Is this Bill currently before Parliament?

No. This Bill was introduced on 31 March 2014 and became an Act of Parliament on 17 December 2014.

Whose idea is this Bill?

Government Bills implement the legislative agenda of the Government. This agenda, and the Bills that will implement it, are outlined in the Queen's Speech at the Session's State Opening of Parliament.

Would you like to know more?

See these Glossary articles for more information: Act of Parliament, Government Bills, Process of a Bill

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