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Early Day Motion
NHS and privatisation (32 Signatures)
25 Oct 2022
Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House believes that privatisation of the NHS has failed, it has led to a crisis in the NHS with higher waiting lists, decisions made on cost not health needs, has led to billions of pounds being taken by private profit making companies at the expense of services; further …
Select Committee
Formal Minutes 2021-22: List of closed petitions

Formal Minutes Sep. 02 2022

Committee: Petitions Committee

Found:  award of all government  contracts 437 Don't scrap funding

Westminster Hall
Future of the NHS - Mon 31 Jan 2022
Department of Health and Social Care

1: Margaret Greenwood (LAB - Wirral West) privatisation and dividing the English NHS into Integrated Care Systems.”If the Bill is enacted, we - Speech Link
2: Mick Whitley (LAB - Birkenhead) of integrated care systems and American-style healthcare management systems, will leave our NHS in a - Speech Link
3: Kim Johnson (LAB - Liverpool, Riverside) to renationalise the NHS, scrap integrated care systems and end private finance contracts.The Health - Speech Link
4: Edward Argar (CON - Charnwood) The petition calls for the Government to “scrap integrated care systems”, but to do so would be to let - Speech Link

Rebecca Long Bailey (Independent - Salford) - @RLong_Bailey
1 Feb 2022, 2:08 p.m.

Yesterday I spoke in support of a parliamentary petition calling on the Govt to renationalise the NHS, scrap Integrated Care Systems, end PFI and scrap the Health and Care Bill, which will reduce our rights to access healthcare and allow privatisation of our NHS. #ScrapNHSBill

Link to Original Tweet

Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North) - @jeremycorbyn
22 Nov 2021, 12:50 p.m.

The #HealthAndCareBill is a charter for NHS privatisation and corporate profiteers. It must be opposed. The alternative is clear - we need to renationalise the NHS, scrap integrated care systems, and end PFI contracts.

Link to Original Tweet

Closed Petition closed 14th April 2022

Renationalise the NHS, scrap integrated care systems, and end PFI contracts - Final Signatures: 137,708

We demand the Government restore England’s publicly funded, publicly provided NHS by reversing all privatising legislation, ending ongoing PFI contracts, and scrapping plans for Integrated Care Systems and for-profit US-style ‘managed care’.

Debate: This petition was debated in Westminster Hall on 31st January 2022

The Government responsed to this petition on 23rd December 2021 (View Full Response)
The government has been steadfast in its commitment to the guiding principles of the NHS which mean the NHS is not and never will be for sale to the private sector.

Found: The Government has no democratic mandate to privatise the NHS, yet vast amounts of public money are being

Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth) - @jon_trickett
18 Jan 2022, 12:48 p.m.

Today we learn the Tories want to copy the “Academy Chain” school model for the NHS. The purpose is clear. Academy chain bosses rake in £300,000+ in salaries. This is about creating more fat cats & cronies. Renationalise the NHS.

Link to Original Tweet

Kate Osamor (Labour (Co-op) - Edmonton and Winchmore Hill) - @KateOsamor
11 Nov 2021, 8:02 p.m.

The government's Health & Social Care Bill will undermine access to care and universal standards by locking in privatisation. It's time to renationalise the NHS.

Link to Original Tweet

Select Committee
Formal Minutes 2019-21: List of closed petitions

Formal Minutes Nov. 18 2021

Committee: Petitions Committee

Found: 588 Fund the NHS to buy new computer systems.

Select Committee
Positive Money
LBC0158 - Life beyond COVID

Written Evidence Sep. 23 2020

Inquiry: Life beyond COVID
Inquiry Status: Open
Committee: COVID-19 Committee

Found: governments viz for example, the specific impact of PFI burden on the NHS) governments have done to