Transport Coronavirus Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Transport Coronavirus

Information between 7th October 2021 - 3rd July 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Wednesday 20th October 2021
Written Evidence - No Third Runway Coalition
AAS0030 - Airlines and airports: supporting recovery in the UK aviation sector

Airlines and airports: supporting recovery in the UK aviation sector - Transport Committee

Found: p.37

Wednesday 5th August 2020
Inquiry Publications - Fifth Report: Home Office preparedness for COVID-19 (coronavirus): management of the borders

Home Office preparedness for Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Home Affairs Committee

Found: , ‚ Coronavirus (CO VI D-19): travel corridors ™, published 3 July 2020 (accessed 12 July 2020) 186

Thursday 2nd July 2020
Inquiry Publications - 20th Report - Drawn to the special attention of the House: Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings on Public Transport) (England) Regulations 2020; Includes information paragraphs on: 6 instruments relating to COVID-19

Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee

Found: updates and consistent data from the police and TfL on their enforcement activity.” 2 Department for Transport

Written Answers
Department for Transport: Coronavirus
Asked by: Philip Davies (Conservative - Shipley)
Thursday 17th November 2022

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, how many employees in his Department work on matters related to covid-19.

Answered by Jesse Norman

As of the 15th November 2022 there are 19 members of staff undertaking work on matters directly relating to Covid-19 where this work constitutes the majority of their working time. These staff members are primarily in DfT’s Covid-19 Inquiry Response Division. Their work will include input and support from relevant functions and modal teams as necessary.

Public Transport: Coronavirus
Asked by: Andrew Mitchell (Conservative - Sutton Coldfield)
Friday 22nd April 2022

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps he is taking to promote the return of public transport following the covid-19 outbreak.

Answered by Trudy Harrison

The Government has provided nearly £2bn of support for local transport networks to date through emergency and recovery grants to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic.

The Government has announced a further £183.9m in funding for local transport providers to continue supporting the sector following the Covid-19 pandemic from April until October 2022. A condition of this new funding will be that both Local Transport Authorities and operators work closely together to ensure that effective and financially sustainable networks which cater for the needs of the local public are implemented once recovery funding ends.

The Government has also started to see some substantial changes in passenger demand for rail travel and is working with the rail industry to develop a number of recovery initiatives, including a recent promotional national marketing campaign, focused on restoring passenger confidence and encouraging passengers to choose rail. Further announcements will be made in due course.

Department for Transport: Coronavirus
Asked by: Philip Davies (Conservative - Shipley)
Monday 7th March 2022

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if he will take steps to ensure that his Department and its agencies remove all internal covid-19 related policies, restrictions and mask mandates.

Answered by Andrew Stephenson

I can confirm that following the publication of the COVID-19 Response: Living with COVID-19 plan on 21 February the Department for Transport and its Agencies has taken steps to ensure our internal Covid-19 policies and principles align with the latest Government guidance.

This includes the Working Safely during Coronavirus (COVID-19): Guidance published on 24 February. This continues to require organisations to carry out a risk assessment which includes the risk from COVID-19. It also sets out additional actions organisations can take to protect employees and customers in the workplace, such as ensuring adequate ventilation, frequent cleaning, asking people to wash their hands frequently and asking people with COVID-19 to stay away. The guidance advises that people continue to wear face coverings in crowded and enclosed settings where they come into contact with people they do not normally meet, when rates of transmission are high.

These principles align with the current advice provided by the Department and will support and reassure our employees that they can continue to return to the workplace in a safe and controlled way. Our policies will be updated to reflect any further changes in Government advice. This includes where there may be differences in approach in the devolved administrations.

Department for Transport: Coronavirus
Asked by: Chris Stephens (Scottish National Party - Glasgow South West)
Thursday 24th February 2022

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if he will make it his policy to mandate individual risk assessments for all employees in his Department before they return to the workplace following the easing of covid-19 restrictions; and how many individual risk assessments for people returning to work have been conducted by his Department as of 21 February 2022.

Answered by Andrew Stephenson

At the current time there are no plans to mandate the use of the risk assessment tools.

As any such risk assessments are voluntary, DfT does not hold data centrally on the number of risk assessments completed or reviewed as of 21 February 2022.

Transport: Coronavirus
Asked by: Sam Tarry (Labour - Ilford South)
Monday 13th December 2021

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what assessment he has made of the implications for passengers of covid recovery funding for (a) bus services outside London and (b) light rail services outside London not being maintained beyond April 2022.

Answered by Trudy Harrison

The Government is committed to seeing the bus sector and light rail networks return to financial sustainability. However, we recognise the ongoing challenges faced by operators and Local Transport Authorities to maintain services and are currently working with both sectors to understand how these might impact services after Covid recovery funding ends and what further action might be needed.

Transport: Coronavirus
Asked by: Sam Tarry (Labour - Ilford South)
Monday 13th December 2021

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what projections for patronage on a month-by-month basis is covid-19 recovery funding based on for (a) bus services outside London and (b) light rail systems outside London.

Answered by Trudy Harrison

The level of funding available through the Bus Recovery Grant (BRG) and Light Rail and Tram Recovery Grant (LRTRG) has been based on operator revenue and patronage projections which have been reviewed by the Department. This data is commercially sensitive and includes forecasts from operators which are not in the public domain.

Department Publications - Statistics
Wednesday 5th January 2022
Department for Transport
Source Page: Developing faster indicators of transport activity
Document: Developing faster indicators of transport activity (webpage)

Found: Book your coronavirus vaccination and booster dose on the NHS website Explore the topic Transport