Roadside Rescue and Recovery Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Roadside Rescue and Recovery

Information between 19th December 2021 - 14th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Tuesday 2nd November 2021
Inquiry Publications - Third Report - Rollout and safety of smart motorways

The roll-out and safety of smart motorways - Transport Committee

Found: other 6 Highways England ( RSM0114 ), para 71 7 Highways England ( RSM0114 ), para 72, table 3. 8 APPG Roadside

Friday 2nd July 2021
Oral Evidence - Department for Transport, Highways England, Highways England, and Department for Transport
Department for Transport, Highways England, Highways England, and Department for Transport

The roll-out and safety of smart motorways - Transport Committee

Found: Q271Grahame Morris: Minister, the all-party group for roadside rescue and recovery has called for the

Tuesday 20th April 2021
Written Evidence - Professional Recovery Operators Federation
RSM0043 - The roll-out and safety of smart motorways

The roll-out and safety of smart motorways - Transport Committee

Found: In order to be heard and ignite public awareness and perception I founded the campaign for safer roadside

Wednesday 24th June 2020
Written Evidence - APPG for Roadside Rescue and Recovery
CIT0141 - Coronavirus: implications for transport

Coronavirus: implications for transport - Transport Committee

Found: CIT0141 - Coronavirus: implications for transport APPG for Roadside Rescue

Select Committee Inquiry
12 Feb 2019
Road Safety inquiry
Transport Committee (Select)
Not accepting submissions

Despite a reduction of more than 40 percent in the number of fatal road collisions during the years 2007-2012, the figures have plateaued, with no reduction in the past five years. The Transport Committee launched an inquiry into road safety in March 2019, and has published more than one hundred pieces of written evidence covering a wide range of issues from drink drive limits, to the rules which apply to new and novice drivers, and the safety of roadside rescue and recovery workers.

The Committee will now embark on a series of evidence sessions and short inquiries exploring different areas of road safety where the Department for Transport could make a difference.

Inquiries in this series are:

Department Publications - Research
Thursday 28th March 2024
Department for Transport
Source Page: Red flashing lamps: roadside rescue and recovery operators
Document: Red flashing lamps: roadside rescue and recovery operators (webpage)

Found: Red flashing lamps: roadside rescue and recovery operators

Thursday 28th March 2024
Department for Transport
Source Page: Red flashing lamps: roadside rescue and recovery operators
Document: Use of red flashing lamps on roadside recovery vehicles: evidence review (PDF)

Found: Red flashing lamps: roadside rescue and recovery operators

Thursday 28th March 2024
Department for Transport
Source Page: Red flashing lamps: roadside rescue and recovery operators
Document: Use of red flashing lamps by road recovery operators: off-road trials and guidance (PDF)

Found: Red flashing lamps: roadside rescue and recovery operators