Leave the EU now Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Leave the EU now

Information between 7th October 2021 - 3rd July 2024

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Allow for a public referendum on the monarchy

Petition Closed - 7,311 Signatures

11 Oct 2023
closed 9 months, 1 week ago

We should have a choice as to whether to keep the royals in their current position, or to do away with the outdated view that depending on the family you are born to, means you have a right to rule over others, even if only in name.

Found: We had a referendum on Scottish independence, to leave the EU, now it’s time to have one about the monarchy

Department Publications - News and Communications
Thursday 12th May 2022
Cabinet Office
Source Page: Simpler, more flexible and transparent procurement
Document: Simpler, more flexible and transparent procurement (webpage)

Found: straightjacket of complicated rules and red tape was one of the key reasons that the British public voted to leave