Deafness Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Deafness

Information between 4th April 2024 - 3rd July 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Parliamentary Debates
Miners and Mining Communities
73 speeches (27,494 words)
Thursday 9th May 2024 - Commons Chamber
Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
1: Allan Dorans (SNP - Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock) white finger and carpal tunnel syndrome from the frequent use of heavy drilling equipment, and partial deafness - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Friday 26th April 2024
Written Evidence - RNID
DYE0037 - Disability employment

Disability employment - Work and Pensions Committee

Found: , this does not allow us to understand the divergent experiences of people with hearing loss, deafness

Wednesday 24th April 2024
Written Evidence - Middlesex University Business School, and brap
NHL0074 - NHS leadership, performance and patient safety

NHS leadership, performance and patient safety - Health and Social Care Committee

Found: The culture and behaviours – the organisational deafness – of those with authority is the prime

Monday 22nd April 2024
Oral Evidence - Karolinska Institute, Sweden, Australian Preterm Birth Prevention Alliance, and Amsterdam University Medical Center

Preterm Birth - Preterm Birth Committee

Found: The same goes for deafness sometimes.

Department Publications - Guidance
Monday 13th May 2024
Ministry of Justice
Source Page: Prisoner discipline procedures (adjudications) policy framework
Document: (PDF)

Found: hearing only proceeds if the prisoner is fit to take part. 6.23 Prisoners with disabilities such as deafness

Tuesday 9th April 2024
Department for Work and Pensions
Source Page: Employing disabled people: Disability Confident and CIPD manager’s guide
Document: Recruiting, managing and developing disabled people: a practical guide for managers [print-ready PDF] (PDF)

Found: Action • hearing impairment – Action on Hearing Loss , British Deaf Association  and UK Council on Deafness

Tuesday 9th April 2024
Department for Work and Pensions
Source Page: Employing disabled people: Disability Confident and CIPD manager’s guide
Document: Recruiting, managing and developing disabled people: a practical guide for managers [accessible PDF] (PDF)

Found: Action • hearing impairment –  Action on Hearing Loss , British Deaf Association  and  UK Council on Deafness

Department Publications - Transparency
Friday 12th April 2024
Home Office
Source Page: Non-technical summaries granted in 2024
Document: Non-technical summaries: projects granted in 2024, January to March (PDF)

Found: effects, in man, animals or plants Key words Brain, Behaviour, Hearing, Auditory perception, Deafness

Non-Departmental Publications - Transparency
Jun. 20 2024
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Source Page: AAIB investigation to Jabiru UL-450, G-CDFK
Document: Jabiru UL-450, G-CDFK 08-24 (PDF)

Found: Inattentional deafness It is likely that the aircraft’s stall warning sounded as the aircraft’s speed

Apr. 09 2024
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
Source Page: MHRA FOI performance data
Document: (Excel)

Found: I want to look at how many reports of deafness or hesring loss have been reported.

Non-Departmental Publications - Guidance and Regulation
May. 13 2024
HM Prison and Probation Service
Source Page: Prisoner discipline procedures (adjudications) policy framework
Document: (PDF)
Guidance and Regulation

Found: hearing only proceeds if the prisoner is fit to take part. 6.23 Prisoners with disabilities such as deafness

Non-Departmental Publications - News and Communications
Apr. 10 2024
Advisory Committee on Business Appointments
Source Page: Smith, Chloe - Secretary of State for the Department of Science, Innovation - ACOBA Advice
Document: Advice Letter: Chloe Smith, Trustee, Royal National Institute for Deaf People (PDF)
News and Communications

Found: is a c haritable organisation that supports people in the UK who have experienced hearing loss or deafness

Deafness mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Cross Party Group Publications
Agenda for meeting on 19 June 2024 (PDF)
Source Page: Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Deafness
Published: 19th Jun 2024

Found: 1 Cross Party Group on Deafness Wednesday 19 June 2024 at 6.00pm to 7.30pm.

Minute of Meeting held on 20 March 2024 (PDF)
Source Page: Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Deafness
Published: 20th Mar 2024

Found: 1 Cross Party Group on Deafness Meeting, Wednesday 20 March 2024 at 6pm.

Scottish Government Publications
Wednesday 1st May 2024
Chief Economist Directorate
Source Page: Scotland's Devolved Employment Services: Statistical Summary May 2024
Document: Scotland's Devolved Employment Services - NOLB Publication Tables - May 2024 (Excel)

Found: Q1) to December 2023 (Year 5 Q3) [notes 8 to 10]Time PeriodType of LTHC: Number of participants with Deafness

Wednesday 1st May 2024
Chief Economist Directorate
Source Page: Scotland's Devolved Employment Services: Statistical Summary May 2024
Document: Scotland's Devolved Employment Services - FSS Publication Tables - May 2024 (Excel)

Found: reporting a Developmental disorder in Time periodType of LTHC: Percentage of participants reporting Deafness

Scottish Written Answers
Asked by: Greene, Jamie (Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - West Scotland)
Tuesday 9th April 2024


To ask the Scottish Government what it is doing to (a) promote the use of British Sign Language (BSL) in public spaces and (b) improve the availability of BSL education, in light of the aims of Sign Language Week, which takes place from 18 to 24 March 2024.

Answered by Gilruth, Jenny - Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills

The Scottish Government recognises the importance of Sign Language Week in promoting British Sign Language (BSL) given its positive impact on both culture and community in Scotland. During this week the First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills reiterated support of BSL and the Scottish Government’s commitments within the BSL National Plan 2023 – 2029.

In response to (a), the Scottish Government published the BSL National Plan 2023 – 2029 in November 2023. This plan sets out our approach to making Scotland the best place in the world for BSL users to live, visit, work, and learn; it sets out 45 commitments across ten priority areas including health, education, and justice. The BSL (Scotland) Act 2015 also requires listed authorities to publish their own Authority Plans; they are our key partners in promoting the use of BSL in public spaces.

In response to (b), the Additional Support for Learning Act places education authorities under duties to identify, provide for and review the additional support needs of their pupils, including those affected by deafness. The level of support required, and input from a specialist teacher of deaf children and young people, will vary depending on a child’s individual needs. To support deaf children and young people the Scottish Government provides funding of £150,000 to The Scottish Sensory Centre to support staff training enabling effective support to deaf pupils. In addition, Education Scotland has developed a professional learning resource which seeks to support practitioners to engage more effectively with British Sign Language users. This can be found on their website at the following link:

Education Scotland has published a BSL toolkit setting out the key national legislation and General Teaching Council for Scotland standards which practitioners should be aware of when working with BSL users. Information to help practitioners understand BSL, Deaf culture and identity is provided throughout the Toolkit alongside some of the key definitions and terms used when working with parents and families. You can view the Toolkit here: British Sign Language (BSL) - Toolkit for Practitioners | Resources | Education Scotland . Education Scotland also published resources to help families support their children’s learning, which can be found at: BSL | Parentzone Scotland | Education Scotland