Bonyad Taavon Basij: Sanctions

(asked on 24th March 2022) - View Source

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask Her Majesty's Government what sanctions, if any, they have placed on the Iranian Foundation Bonyad Taavon Basij; what assessment they have made of the effectiveness of any such sanctions; and what assessment they have made of the possibility of lifting any such sanctions in a re-negotiated Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran (JCPOA).

This question was answered on 7th April 2022

Should the deal in Vienna be concluded, the UK would not lift any sanctions. The UK maintains a number of sanctions consistent with the nuclear deal, including sanctions related to human rights, proliferation and terrorism. The full UK Sanctions List is available on the GOV.UK website (, which provides details of those individuals and entities designated under sanctions regulations made under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act. We keep all regimes and designations under close review.

The UK will continue to condemn the IRGC's destabilising regional activities and maintains a range of sanctions aimed at deterring such behaviour. This includes IRGC political, financial and military support to a number of militant and proscribed groups including Hizballah in Lebanon and Syria, and militias in Iraq. The UK stands firmly against recruitment and use of child soldiers in conflict, as outlined by the Paris Principles which the government has endorsed.

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