
(asked on 2nd September 2024) - View Source

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask His Majesty's Government whether they intend that the "vision led approach" required by paragraph 112 of the draft National Planning Policy Framework should be based on any or all of (1) local transport plans, (2) local cycling and walking infrastructure plans, (3) rights of way improvement plans, and (4) bus service improvement plans.

Answered by
Baroness Taylor of Stevenage Portrait
Baroness Taylor of Stevenage
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
This question was answered on 17th September 2024

As part of the consultation on proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), we are seeking views on new NPPF paragraph 112 a), which aims to set an expectation that local authorities adopt a vision-led approach to promoting sustainable transport when identifying sites in local plans and considering planning decisions.

The NPPF consultation will close on 24 September, and we will use the responses we receive to inform future steps. Details of the consultation and how to respond can be found at the following link.

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