Mental Health Services: Technology

(asked on 23rd January 2025) - View Source

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask His Majesty's Government, in the light of concerns raised by the Royal College of Psychiatrists about the impact of the use of video monitoring technology on some mental health patients, whether they will commission independent research on the efficacy of such technology and its effect on patients; and whether they will suspend the use of Oxevision until such research is carried out.

Answered by
Baroness Merron Portrait
Baroness Merron
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)
This question was answered on 29th January 2025

NHS England has commissioned a rapid evidence review of vision based monitoring systems. These insights have been used to work in partnership with people with lived experience, clinicians, and stakeholders to develop national guidance, which will be published imminently. There is currently no guidance to suspend oxevision until such research is carried out.

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