Sudan: Humanitarian Situation

(asked on 18th April 2024) - View Source

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the statement by the World Food Programme that the situation in Sudan is “catastrophic” and that it is currently only able to reach 10 per cent of the population; and what discussions they have had with those blocking access.

Answered by
Lord Benyon Portrait
Lord Benyon
This question was answered on 2nd May 2024

The UK strongly condemns the decision on 21 February by the Sudanese Armed Forces to withdraw permission for cross-border deliveries of humanitarian aid from Adré, Chad. The UK continues to press the warring parties to facilitate unhindered, crossline and cross-border humanitarian access across Sudan. In 2024/2025, UK ODA to Sudan will nearly double to £89 million. This includes funding to UNICEF, providing emergency, life-saving food assistance to support people particularly in hard-to reach areas; and the World Food Programme to assist over 285,000 beneficiaries for six months by providing 13,405 tons of food commodities including cereals, pulses, oils and salt. On 8 March, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted UK-drafted Resolution 2724 calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities and unhindered humanitarian access.

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