Defence Equipment: Procurement

(asked on 20th March 2024) - View Source

Question to the Ministry of Defence:

To ask His Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to ensure transparency and cost-effectiveness in the procurement of defence equipment, given the increasing complexity and expense of modern military hardware.

Answered by
Earl of Minto Portrait
Earl of Minto
This question was answered on 3rd April 2024

The Ministry of Defence is implementing a new Integrated Procurement Model to drive pace in delivery of military capability to UK forces on the front line, so that we stay ahead of our adversaries in a fast changing strategic environment.

A key feature will be a Defence-wide portfolio to prioritise requirements at the departmental level to ensure we achieve greater effect from the available budget.

Spiral development, the delivery of a minimum deployable capability quickly which is then iterated in the light of experience and advances in technology throughout its in-service life, will be supported by new commercial pathways to increase speed and value for money.

As part of a new alliance with industry we will be more transparent about Defence's future acquisition pipeline to help shape markets, focus R&D efforts and build resilience into our industrial base.

In addition, the Procurement Act 2023 will deliver a step change in transparency and openness, with notices mandated for direct awards and publication requirements extended from planning to termination, including contract performance. A single central platform for contract data will give everyone access to certain procurement information, although there will be occasions when information will be withheld from publication on national security grounds.

Finally, we have reformed the Single Source Contract Regulations which provide regulatory assurance on value for money where we procure in the absence of competition. These reforms, which come into effect on 1 April, introduce simplifications and flexibilities to ensure the Regulations continue to adapt to changes in what we buy and how we buy it.

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